Chapter 13 - Wes

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Halle reaches up, dipping her fingers into the waistband of my boxer briefs and begins to pull the fabric down, my semi-hard dick springs forward. I close my eyes just as Halle begins to take me into her mouth and the face hiding behind my lids is Eden's. My mind begins to race as I wondered what Eden's lips would feel like against mines. How would she taste? Smell? And I wondered the sound she would make once I'd sink deep inside of her and fucked her against a wall.

Fuck it! It was a lost cause. There was no salvaging my evening. Not when all I could think about was the beautiful woman, I planned to screw over the next six months. Knowing that my night was pretty much fucked, I placed my hands-on Halle's shoulders, stopping her from going any further.

"Sorry, I've had a long day. Maybe some other time." I tell her, as I tug my boxer briefs back into place. She nods her head; the look of disappointment sheaths her face. We spend the rest of the night sharing a glass of whiskey as she rambled on and on about work, or was it a modeling gig, or maybe some story about her trip to Target. I wasn't sure, because quite frankly I wasn't listening. Eden Rhodes was what had my attention and if I wasn't fucked then, I certainly was fucked now.

After Eden invaded my fantasy a week ago back at The Red Diamond Cigar Bar, I wasn't able to move further with Elizabeth either. It wasn't for a lack of trying or poor company, since Elizabeth was probably every man's dream. She had curves that would put many women to shame, and an attitude that would intrigue even the Star Wars nerds that still lived in their parent's basements. She was the total package; except she wasn't Eden. I faked a sudden migraine before things could go any further. Elizabeth and I exchanged numbers, and before I could climb out of her town car, she'd shoved her tongue down my throat, leaving me with something to look forward too. I spent the evening standing under my shower head, with my dick in my hand, as images of Eden replayed over and over in my mind bringing me the satisfaction that I'd been searching for.


I can hear muffled voices coming from the gallery. I turn off the running water and scrub a hand towel over my face. The voices grow closer and closer and although they're still muffled, I can hear a male and a female carrying on a conversation. I open the bathroom door and look over at the two women who were still asleep in my bed. The muffled female voice begins to laugh followed by the male's voice. I tug on a pair of joggers and open my bedroom door.

"I'll let him know that you're here" Lewis, the lobby manager says, just as I step outside of my bedroom, closing the door behind me.

I can here two sets of heavy footsteps, exit the gallery and head down the entry way that leads to one of the small living spaces. There is no sign of Stew and the other two women he'd brought along last night; his absence usually meant that he was passed out in one of the guest bedrooms. The double set of footsteps grow closer, and their muffled voices start to become clearer.

I come to a complete stop just as Eden steps from behind Lewis' large frame. She's wearing a floor length, orange spaghetti strap dress that seemed to make her bronzed skin glow even more than usual and a pair of gold sandals. Her hair is pulled up into a messy knot on the top of her head, exposing the delicate skin of her neck.

Maybe it was because I hadn't had sex in two weeks but the only thing, I wanted to do in that moment was pull her close to me and kiss her glossy stained lips. Which was another unusual feeling that I had because I wasn't a man that had a desire to kiss woman. While I've kissed many women in the heat of the moment, I saw kissing as an intimate gesture. A gesture that two people who were emotionally involved with one another shared and I hadn't been with anyone worth becoming emotionally intimate with since high school and even that was puppy love.

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