Chapter 3- Eden

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Monday Morning

I hadn't slept much the night before. My excitement had overwhelmed me, causing me to toss and turn as I wondered what my first day at The Wesley Connor Group would look like.

Who would I meet?

What would be my first assignment?

Would I do well?

Would I fail?

The thought of it all overwhelmed me and now here I was, wide awake two hours before my alarm was to wake me, standing over my kitchen sink, eating a buttered bagel and drinking a cup of breakfast tea. I am wearing a sleeveless cream silk blouse, paired with a baby blue form fitting pencil skirt, and nude pumps. I curled my normally straight hair letting it fall over my shoulders in waves, instead of my usual tousled look. I dust my high cheeks bones, courtesy of my mother's Egyptian heritage, with a soft pink blush and line my plump lips with a glossy pink lip balm. I flip through Instagram as I try to kill another thirty minutes or so before I head towards the subway.

The pictures from my last night at Libra's flood my timeline and I smile. The butterflies in my stomach begin to fade away as I remember all the hard work that I'd put in over the last six years, getting me to where I am today. To the prestigious company that I landed a six-month long paid internship with. The long nights at work, the weeklong Ramen noodle binges after I'd just dropped more money than I cared to admit on five classes, noting that it was all worth it.

I check the time on my phone, and even though I'm an hour and a half ahead of schedule, I decide to leave for work. I'll be too early, even for me, but it would give me the opportunity to scoop out the building and maybe even meet a few people before orientation. I begin to hum the tune "I'm walking on Sunshine" as I toss my dirty dishes into the sink, grab my purse, and messenger bag and head out the door, with an extra pep in my step.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Twenty minutes later...

You have got to be kidding me, I say to myself.

So much for walking on fucking sunshine.

My train had stalled over twenty minutes ago. Leaving me in a non-airconditioned, subway surrounded by other travelers who too were on their way to work. It's mid-September, and the fall air is unusually hot for New York. I guess that's the global warming my 4th grade science teacher warned me about. We are told over the intercom that there is a stalled train on the tracks in front of us and that we will be moving as soon as possible. Twenty minutes quickly turned in forty-five minutes and I begin to sweat, my nerves getting the best of me.

I can't be late on my first day, I think. I could feel the sweat start to drip down my back, my silk blouse sticking to my moist skin. This can't be happening. In what universe does a person wake up two hours before their alarm only to be stuck underground in the sweltering September heat, with the possibility of being late on her first at a new job? Me that's who. Although my phone carried no signal underground, I'm still able to check the time. I now have forty minutes to get across town, to The Wesley Connor building, past security and into human resources.

Fuck my life.

But just before I managed to have a complete meltdown, the train suddenly starts to move, and the air conditioner hums to life. I close my eyes, thanking the good man up above and sit for the next six stops, practically tripping over my four-inch heels as I run off the train and up the concrete steps.

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