Chapter 7- Eden

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"No shit! Are you telling me that you're partnered with the CEO's son? What are the chances?" Elle asks, her voice screeches through the phone in excitement, despite the obvious unsatisfied tone of my voice.



My Boss.

The man whose name is literally imprinted on the building. Either way you put it I'm screwed.

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to get the mental image of the uninterested look on Wes' face as I told him about my creative ideas for the VitaMission project. I plop down on my sofa, suddenly feeling as if I needed to take a seat. I throw my legs over the arms of the sofa and lay back against the soft cushions.

With a deep sigh, I pinch the bridge of my nose, cradling my cellphone between my shoulder and cheek. I've been fighting a headache ever since I'd left the office three hours ago. The train ride home had been much worse than the train ride into work this morning. Rush hour, causing the two trains that I'd taken to work to be overcrowded on a Monday afternoon, although neither train had stalled, standing in four-inch heels for almost two hours had been a complete bitch, adding to a shitty day. Once I'd finally made it home, I kicked off my high heels, tossed backed two aspirins and called Elle to tell her all about the misfortunate events of my day.

"Yup! Lucky me." I mock rolling my eyes.

"Ohhh, it can't be that bad. It's the CEO's son after all, exactly how bad could that be?" Elle asks gleefully. I close my eyes as the images of the day begins to flood my mind like a VHS tape on fast-forward. The nonchalant way Wes seemed about my ideas for VitaMission. The snooty attitude he adorned about sharing an office with me. The way his eyes trailed after me, watching my every move. The way his eyes would stop at the juncture of my breast, lingering there long enough to notice my nipples hardened under his stares, or the way he looked at me that made me feel as if I were the only woman on earth. Elle clearing her voice on the other end of the phone brings me back to reality and I quickly pushed the thoughts from my mind, not wanting to go down that road again.

"He's a complete entitled Prick, that has never done a hard day's work in his entire life and I'm stuck with him." I answer, as I sit up and pour a red blend into my wine glass and take a healthy swallow.

"Not to mention, everyone turns the other cheek at his bullshit because his last name is Connor." I add, before taking another healthy sip.

"Well, it sounds like life just handed you a big ass basket of lemons." Elle says and again I roll my eyes as I slump back against the couch. "And when life gives your lemons, you make lemonade." She adds.

"Elle, I'm not in the mood for your earthly, lets all hold hands and sing Kumbaya shit." I say with a huff.

"I know you're not, but you know I'm right Eden. This is the job you've worked so hard to obtain for the last six years. You deserve this more than anyone I know, and I don't want you to make the wrong decisions about something so great, so soon because of one horrible moment." She says, and I close my eyes again, letting her words hang over me. I knew she was right even if I hated the idea of being partnered with an establish asshole like Wesley Connor Jr. I let out a frustrated grunt, before digging the heels of my palm into my eyes, trying to force some clarity into my view.

"Ok!" I sigh. "You're right."

"I always am."

"Tomorrow is a new day." I say, mocking her tone.

"Whatever! Mock if you must." Elle says and I could practically see her rolling her eyes through the phone.

"So, tell me more about this Rich Prick." She asks, and now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

Love & Risks - A Rich Prick love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora