Comincia dall'inizio

One week later at the Manor. Prue knocks on the bathroom door.

Prue: Piper, are you still in there?"

Piper is holding up a pregnancy test.

Piper: Can't you use the bathroom downstairs?"

Prue: No, Primrose is in there. She is getting ready for work

Piper: I'm almost done."

Prue: Define almost."

Piper: Just give me another minute... or two."

Prue: You're positive?"

Piper whispers to herself. "I hope not."

Prue: Piper, I cannot be late today."

Piper: I know the feeling.

Prue: My first biannual auction starts tomorrow and I want to do a good job."

Piper: Yes, I know."

Prue: So, can you hurry?

Piper: Just kick Primrose out of the bathroom downstairs."

Prue: All my stuff is up here."

Piper: Well, borrow mine. It's all down there."

Prue: But then... never mind."

Prue leaves and Phoebe walks up to the bathroom. She knocks on the door.

Phoebe: Piper?"

Piper: I'll be right out."

Phoebe: Is there any hot water left?"

Piper throws the pregnancy test box in the bin and opens the door.

Piper: What?

Phoebe: Am I in for a cold shower? Yes or no?"

Piper: At certain times in our life, a cold shower is probably a good thing."

Phoebe: Not three mornings in a row, it isn't."

Piper leaves and Phoebe walks in the bathroom. She starts brushing her teeth and notices the box in the bin. She picks it up and has a premonition of a demon being born.

Piper is in kitchen cooking some food, while Primrose is tasting everything. Right when Prue walks in the phone rings, but Piper is the one who answers before the others get the chance.

Piper: Hello?... Okay, thanks. Bye."

Prue: The four of us definitely need to figure out some kind of a morning schedule."

Piper: I think I'm gonna be sick."

Prue: In the upstairs or downstairs bathroom?"

Piper: Maybe Phoebe can help me cater the Elliot Spencer wedding tomorrow."

Prue: Shouldn't you check with the chef who hired you first?"

Piper: That would be Chef Moore."

Prue: Ah."

Piper: Who is on his way to France and since technically the contract is with Quake, he is off hook and I'm on the line. Now I have to tell one of the richest families in the city that the chef they hired can't do their wedding. They're stuck with me and I hope they go for it."

Prue: Bright side? Who else can they hire in twenty-four hours? Piper, it's not the end of the world."

Phoebe walks in.

Phoebe: What's not the end of the world?"

Prue: Piper's problem.

Phoebe Oh, you know too?"

Charmed the Power of FourDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora