Chapter 1

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Xander, no! Stop it! Please, Xander! Don't do this. I'm going to call the cops if you don't stop this right away.

No. No. 

I felt her body pushing mine away weakly while she cried tears of love for me. But I didn't care I fought her with all of my force.

Sweats coated every inch of my skin as pressure built in my chest, knowing the aftermath in my soul.

Her tears.

Her screams.

No! No! 

Tears fell from my eyes as the pillow covers got wet.

Xander, you're scaring me.

Another scream filled with tears.

Without snapping my eyes open once, I sat up and threw the covers from my body.

"Please, I'm sorry," I screamed internally. "I didn't mean to." My leg dangled from the edge of the bed as I breathed heavily.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I repeated over and over again but no matter the apology some things couldn't be changed--the past couldn't be altered. The stain couldn't be erased.

I opened my eyes and looked at the black curtains blankly. The room was dark yet I knew it was already time for my classes.

Inhale. Exhale.

Inhale. Exhale.

Sometimes that was all that I could. No matter how much I wished I could change my actions.

For the first time in two weeks since I moved to this apartment, I had a nightmare. I had none in the month I lived at the university before moving here.

A knock on the door pulled me out of the trance momentarily.

"Xander, I'm leaving. Estella already prepared the breakfast. Don't be late," Alex--my roommate and friend, shouted, irritating me. It had been a week since I went to classes. "I'm sick of you telling me you want her while doing everything in your power to be away from her. Fucking stop it." 

He had been made my roommate in the college on purpose by my father. I had known him for more than two years now. He was my father's friend's son. He knew everything. All about my doings. But we never talked about them much now. He knew about her too. And he talked about her a lot.

And I knew his intention very well. He just wanted to be with Jasmine-—Selene's best friend but didn't have it in him to pursue her (He was the bad bad boy just for the eyes) and was hoping I would be the one to do that for him. I was no fucking matchmaker, he needed to get it in his head.

Alex had another reason as well. Must have felt pity for me from all the time he spends with me to help me. Became like my therapist because I almost killed the professional one my father had arranged for me. 

"Please for my sake, talk to her."

Then it was all silent.

Running my hand in my hair, I stood and went to take the shower. Distraction was needed and cold water would do that.

The beat of my heart calmed down slowly as I imagined her face. It was not her calming me down—she was, partly, it was just me thinking about her as I did always for one and half months.

She was smiling. I was picturing the last time I had seen her.

What was she even like?

Would I even like her if I knew her?

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