27. We Learn From Our Experiences

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For some reason, being snakelike is only associated with being sinister. Which we totally are sometimes, don't get me wrong, but we're also the most fluid people you'll ever meet. And that's important too because when you think of the way snakes shed their old skins, you'll understand how we can grow out of past identities in the same way. We're adaptable so we're willing to take any situation and learn from it, we're willing to shift and respect change.

Slytherin growth is most obvious when you view the culture as a whole. The house was created by Salazar Slytherin, who promoted blood purity to the max. He passed those beliefs down and though it's been hard to separate them from the house, Slytherins are finally unlearning harmful attitudes against muggles and muggleborn wizards. Even Draco refuses to raise his children in that culture of hatred.

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