23. Slytherins Are Rulebreakers

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Slytherins have always treated the rules like a suggestion. This was something Salazar Slytherin prized in his students and the house has maintained that tradition of misbehavior ever since. Interestingly, that's the main part of Harry Potter's character that led to him saving the world or whatever.

In his first year, when the rule was to stay out of the third floor corridor, Harry made sure to spend a large chunk of time there. Same goes for the forbidden forest, the girls' bathroom, Hogsmeade before he had permission, etc. There isn't a single year that Harry didn't break a rule and it was all to stop the Dark Lord from destroying everything.

Since ultimately, Harry opted for Gryffindor, we can focus on actual Slytherins too. Like Andromeda Tonks, who ignored the rules of her family to marry a muggleborn, or Snape, who lied to Headmistress Umbridge when she demanded truth serum from him.

Slytherins know that it's healthy to break rules sometimes and they're even better people because of it.

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