2. perils of the upper hand

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Like most normal people, whenever Chastity found herself overwhelmed, she opened any choice social account and poured out her feelings. Because Ivy was the epitome of amazing best friend, she would like and comment. It didn't matter what it was, she would always like and comment.

This was not what she wanted.

She'd been struggling against tweeting out, 'weekend mistakes, am I right?' because Ivy was going to see it and Ivy was going to know she was the mistake and that Chastity had not let it go. In fact, Chastity had held it so close to her heart she was going to add '#neverdrinkingagain' just to have the point come across heavily. She wanted to have the upper hand because it felt as though Ivy had had the upper hand.

She chose to download Whisper and post her confession. Anonymously shout into the void that her friend dynamic had changed and she was on the short end of the stick. She wanted to bitch and maybe gush just a bit. Who could say, with their chests, that they'd been able to shag their best friend of forever? Not many people, that was for sure.

Two seconds in and she'd gotten two messages. One requesting she be a sugar baby and another one simply saying, 'hi? That sounds ass'. She obviously responded.

It is ass.

What are you going to do about it then?


Changing the friend dynamic. Wat r u going to do?

Chastity wondered what she was going to do. Everything had already been done. She knew Ivy biblically. Ivy had established her dominance in the situation. Clearly, she was the one who was still deeply entrenched in the situation.

Get another friend?

Wat's that goin to do?

Chastity could feel her face breaking into a big smile. She knew exactly what she was going to do to bring everything to the very lovable neutral they'd always been on.

I'm going to fuck them.


She didn't answer. Anonbananadick from Denver didn't need to know why she was going to do what she was going to do.


Ivy had slept like a log through the weekend. How her hangover had managed to slither from the confines of Friday to Sunday afternoon was beyond her. Once, she had been able to handle her whiskey. Now she was approaching death just from like, what, ten straight shots of whiskey? One more and she would have had alcohol poisoning! Failing her one true responsibility to Kenyans everywhere – drinking everyone under the table.

It didn't matter too much though. It had kept her from thinking too much about what happened after the drinking. She didn't want to remember how eager she'd been to fuck her own friend. Shit, she didn't want to think that she'd been scared Chastity was planning on running away the morning after.

Had she been that bad?

She threw herself on her bed and winced a little. It was never ever supposed to be like that. She was never supposed to cross the line into the very unknown then pretend like everything was all perfectly dandy just to keep from freaking out.

Truth be told, she'd wanted for so long, for that to happen. Fuck, she'd whispered into the wind the nights she saw Chastity disappear into the night with anyone. She'd harboured the very real longing that she'd wanted to be it. Like a weirdly tall creepy woman, she had lusted after her friend. Waited for her to tire of all the others only to have her turn and look at her and say, "Wow, you've been here all along?"

Fuck yeah she'd been there.

In her fantasy, she'd be in some killer thigh high slit dress, her hair styled to the nines as she walked like a model down some obscenely long corridors where Chastity would have somehow managed to squeeze a desk and chair. No one would be around, of course. Totally ruin the ambience. Then Chastity was supposed to look up and go on with the spill about finally seeing she'd been there all along and then they would kiss. A nice kiss. Not too frantic and not in the least bit sloppy. Just perfectly balanced.

But then she'd gone all horny and had her way with the woman she was not supposed to. It never worked – the whole sleeping with your friend, especially when they were your best friend. Once the sex was out there, everything else just stopped working the way it was supposed to. That was why she never kept exes as friends. They never added any value into her life and now she'd gone on and added sex into the friendship and she had no idea what she was supposed to do about it.

She looked at her white ceiling for a very long time. A sharp laugh escaped her.

She'd gotten the chance to work with Chastity for only a week. Less than a week actually because she'd joined the firm on Wednesday and then they'd had that office party on Friday. It had taken her three days to get into her best friend's pants at the work place.

Maybe it was time for her to resign and find another firm to work for. Not that it was going to be easy. Finding a firm in Nairobi with one's own merits was next to impossible. It didn't matter just how many credentials she'd had to show for it from Kenya School of Law. It was nepotism or nothing and, despite being on the accounting side of things, Chastity had a nepotism connection with one of the partners and they were going to use it.

Ordinarily, with so many things happening in her life, she would have texted Chastity and they would have bitched about it all. Somewhere though, she would have thrown some really sane advice then take a step back, shocked she could be so wickedly cleaver then remind Ivy how lucky she was beholden to her presence.

Ivy always thought she was extremely lucky.

But, at the moment, her problem was Chastity and it had not escaped her that she had also not tried to contact her since she left. Breakfast in and of itself had been so incredibly awkward they might as well have been two strangers who'd had the worst fucks of their lives. Only none of that was true and they were just awkward for no good reason. They hadn't even hugged goodbye – not that they had to. There was no pressure to but, it was there, just glaring down at them, another reminder that things had gone wayward of how they were supposed to.

It was six pm. Just a few hours before she would wake up and prepare to go to the office. How was she going to accidentally bump into Chastity so deep in accounting and call her out on her shit? Of the two of them, she was definitely the one full of it. So they'd had sex a couple of times, friends sometimes did that! She didn't know which ones but they did.

They were going to be okay. After a couple of shits and giggles on Monday, they were going to be okay and that one slip up will be a thing of the past. Ivy was completely content with being in the background. Being her friend through and through. She'd done it for so long. It was not going to be hard to slip into the familiar.

Just a few more hours and everything would be fine...

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