We will talk about it later

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Shouto ran to school, calling Uraraka's phone on his way.
"Todoroki kun, are you coming? Home room is starting soon! How is Deku kun?" Uraraka's bubbly voice called to him from the other side of the line.
"Uraraka! Please tell sensei I'm late! I need to get Recovery girl" he responded to all of the girl's questions with this single sentence. Getting Recovery girl, that meant Midoriya was not okay.
"I got it, please make it quick!"

Ochako was concerned, but she knew that as a hero, if another hero asks her to help him, she should work quickly and ask for the minimal amount of information needed. Wasting time by idling is prohibited in these kind of situations.
When Aizawa entered the classroom, noticing there are two empty seats instead of one, Ochako raised her hand and requested to speak to him outside. The girl explained that Todoroki kun went to see Deku kun before class, but now is getting Recovery girl to him.

Aizawa, a great hero, understood immediately and decided to not involve the other kids in his concern. He asked Uraraka to return to her seat quietly and to not share the information with the others. He himself will take it from here after Recovery girl will report to him.
The class started, and it took some time before Todoroki showed in the door frame, panting quietly. "Sit, Todoroki. We will talk about it later" said the teacher, glaring the kid straight in the eyes.

Recovery girl was on her way to the 1-A dorms in order to check up on Midoriya, as requested by his worried friend, and left her apprentice in the infirmary as backup.
When in Midoriya's room, she found him burning with fever, on the verge of unconsciousness. The kid had a lot of fluids in his lungs, as if instead of getting better he had gotten worse.
"Midoriya, can you hear me? Can you talk?" Recovery girl examined him. The kid was not responsive, and the nurse had a bad feeling about it. Nevertheless, she made an effort and talked to him while taking care of the sick kid.

When Izuku finally gained consciousness, the nurse was just about to leave.
"He...hello?" Izuku rasped through a tight throat. The nurse looked at him, pity evident on her face.
"Hey kiddo, you shouldn't talk, save your strength. You will be alright in a few more days but for now please stay rested, no playing around do you hear me? Somehow you keep relapsing".
Izuku nodded his head. His tired body asked him to rest as well. Recovery girl wrote some instructions on a note and gave it to him, telling him his part in his own recovery plan.
"...And a lot of rest! You are to stay in this bed, as bored as you may be, and not leave it until I say so. Understood?" Izuku nodded again, offering a tired smile in return. He is so lucky for having other people care about him, as if he was important to them. Was he important to them?

The rest of the day was boring indeed. Izuku was tired, but he stayed awake for some reason, unable of falling asleep. Since he promised Recovery girl to stay in bed the whole day, he just sat there, thinking.
His thoughts took him to an unusual place, though. Usually, when Izuku had the free time to think casually, he would ask himself how were his friends doing and how can he help them in their tasks and problems. Today, for a change, he thought of himself. It made him feel very weird, thinking of his own problems like that. After some thinking time, he finally felt sleepy enough, so he closed his eyes and drifted.

The bell rang for lunch break, and Aizawa grabbed Todoroki before he could exchange a word with his friends and classmates.
"What happened this morning?" Shouto was surprised by the desperate tone in his sensei's speech. "He was unwell, I already informed Recovery girl. Now, if you excuse me-"
"Don't talk about it with the others, they will just cause a ruckus in his room after school" the teacher then left, going in the direction of the exit. Shouto assumed he will go to check up on Midoriya.

"Todoroki kun, can I get a minute of your time?" Ochako approached her classmate. "Do you want more details of this morning?" Todoroki glared at her, causing the girl to jump to some aweful conclusions. "Yeah".
Ochako was relieved to hear Deku kun was still alive when Todoroki kun left his room, and that sensei was on his way to check up on him. She hoped with all of her heart that Deku kun will recover soon.
"Let's make him dinner again today!" Ochako cheered her friend, dragging him toward the cafeteria. "But for now, we shall eat!"

Aizawa knocked on the door, hearing nothing in response. He opened the door and peeked inside. Problem child was in bed, asleep, and more importantly: still breathing. It was laboured breathing, but still.
'Thank gods' thought the teacher. He stepped inside, reaching a hand to feel Midoriya's temperature, but the kid's hand grabbed his wrist mid way.
"Midoriya? Are you awake?" Aizawa was beyond surprised. The problem child had his eyes closed, not a sign of awakeness except the tight gripped hand around the teacher's now aching wrist.
"Kid? Hey, problem child?" the man tried releasing his own hand out of the grip, but with no success. The kid was strong.
He crouched next to the kid. "Midoriya!" Aizawa yelled. The boy stirred, but didn't open his eyes. 'Shit'.

Katsuki had a bad feeling about the fact that Icyhot was late to class. He searched for the bastard in the cafeteria, locating him with his eyes.
"Oi, dude? Where are you going?" Katsuki heard Kirishima's voice behind him as he walked toward Icyhot, but he ignored his friend. He will explain later. Or not. He will decide later.
"Oi, Half n half! Speak!" Katsuki called the other boy, getting in his face. "Um... Woof?" Todoroki answered, making round face to laugh so hard she started crying.
"What the f*ck?!". "Isn't it what you say to a dog when you want it to bark?" Todoroki played dumb. Cheeks was rolling in laughter. "F*cking moron! I asked you to say what happened this morning! What the f*ck is wrong with your brain?!" Katsuki was screaming.

Shouto knew he is not allowed to speak to Bakugo about it. "Nothing happened, I just lost track of time" he lied, hoping the sharp boy in front of him woke up stupid just for today. His facial expression proved it was not the case.
"You are seriously damaged, are you?" Bakugo grabbed him by the collar. "Don't touch me" he responded, frost spreading over the blonde's arm where he grabbed it back.
"F*ck!" Bakugo yelled, letting go of Shouto's collar. "I'm hungry, Uraraka. Let's eat".

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