Come save me!

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Shouta received a call from Nezu. "The traitor was captured by Vlad. Do you also have something to report to me?" Asked the rodent.
"Yes, I captured Toga, she is under Shinsou's control and being interrogated. She infiltrated the grounds accompanied by the villain Twice, but we don't know his location".
Shouta was hesitant wether or not he should ask about Aoyama. "I bet you are concerned about your student, Eraser?" Nezu asked knowingly. "Aoyama was found, alive but fast asleep, and will be moved to the infirmary whenever we deem it safe to make the trip there".
A sigh of reliefe escaped Shouta. The traitor wasn't one of his. The only kid harmed so far is the problem child, surprise surprise.

"What should we do regarding Twice?" Hitoshi asked his sensei, still struggling to make Toga stop giggling when she confesses her love for 'Izuku's messed up body', in her wording.
"We use her to lure him out, and then we capture him as well. How much longer could you control her like that?" Aizawa turned to face him, making the tired student blush. He's still not used to his quirk being appreciated like that. Who would have thought in a million years that him, the kid with the 'villainous quirk', will help a pro hero in a mission. Aizawa, of course, automatically became his favorite pro hero long ago, so it was an even greater honour for him.
"I'm not sure sensei, maybe 10 minutes tops" Hitoshi glanced at the naked girl. "She's fighting my grip on her".

They devised a plan quickly. Snipe was sent to them with quirk repressor for Toga and Twice, and then he will ambush the latter for when Shinsou will lure him to them.
"Now yell 'Twice come save me!' to the mic" Shinsou said and held his phone to her mouth, the recorder app is on. The girl did as she was told, though a smile was plastered on her face in a suspicious and concerning way.
"Why are you smiling?" Shinsou asked, his eyelids droopy from the exhaustion of using his quirk and fighting Toga for control over her body. The blonde just smiled wider, as if she was hiding a secret she really wanted to tell.
"I think I'm finished, sensei. I'm spent" Shinsou turned to Shouta with a yawn, then layed on the ground and closed his eyes. In that exact moment, Toga started screaming.

"Gin!! Don't come here, I'm okay! Go finish the job!" Toga screamed, her cheeks reddening from exertion.
'Shit'. Shouta looked around, searching for movement in the trees and bushes. Maybe the villain was nearby? Shouta grabbed Shinsou's phone and played the recorded yell, but the girl screamed louder for her comrade to proceed with their plan. He knew what was the plan, and he didn't like it one bit.
He had to trust Snipe to follow the villain in case he was close by, and he had to trust Yagi, his colleague, to protect his students in case Twice was already there.
Shouta called Yagi. "Listen, Twice is on his way to you, they are after Midoriya! You must not let anybody near his room, do you hear me?" Said the black haired man the moment the other accepted the call.
"Aizawa... he... they... the kid was taken".

It was like a scene from a movie. Toshinori sat next to young Midoriya's bed, tucking the blanket tighter around his successor's shivering shoulders when all of a sudden a knock on the door startled him.
The tall blonde man trudged toward the door, asking for the visitor's identity, but there was no response. He heard the kid coughing behind him, struggling to speak.
"Shh, don't speak young Midoriya, save your strength-" Toshinori said when he turned around to look at the kid and absorbed the image before him. The kid was held by none other than Uraraka, the girl grinning viciously at him from the window frame. She had her quirk activated and held the green boy around her shoulders, her grip tight around his arms and legs.
The boy himself looked as if he was about to faint, his face pale and he had a confused and exhausted look in his eyes. Not good, not good at all.

"Young Midoriya!" Toshinori yelled, reaching his hand toward the two teens. Uraraka took a step back, slipping through the broken window with young Midoriya. The boy squirmed weakly, too sick to protest.
When Toshinori stepped closer, young Uraraka suddenly jumped over the railing and off the balcony, landing softly due to her gravity manipulation. She turned and started running. She kidnapped his successor, and Yagi could do nothing to stop her from doing so. He was a lame excuse for a mentor.

Izuku felt awful, truly awful. He didn't understand Uraraka's actions, taking him from his room, through the window, and running away like that. He was nauseated, as well.
It wasn't long before he couldn't hold it in anymore. His stomach flipped, vomit rising gradually, until he started gagging.
"Eww, Midoriya that's gross" Uraraka said, her shirt covered in vomit from Izuku's own. She stopped for a moment to look closer at her shirt. "You're not Uraraka san" Izuku whispered weakly. "True, I'm just a clone, but I still have feelings you know! Puking on me? Not cool bro!"

Uraraka lifted her head all of a sudden, listening. Izuku did the same. He heard screams with a familiar voice... who was that girl screaming? What was she saying? Something about a plan...
Uraraka's clone started moving again, but in a different direction. Izuku struggled, flailing legs and squirming body.
"Stop doing that! Stop struggling you fool!" The clone shouted to him. She suddenly stumbled, falling on her face. Izuku kicked and squirmed until the girl holding him on the ground had turned into mush. He was left there, alone and shivering. He felt his consciousness slipping away, despite his efforts to stay alerted. Soon, all of his surroundings disappeared, and he was no longer awake.

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