Please don't cry

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Izuku felt pain. He woke up because he felt like his chest was on fire. He opened his eyes, searching for the source of the flames, finding none. All he saw was his hand with an IV stuck in it, and Kacchan sleeping on the little chair next to his desk.
A soft groan of anguish escaped his lips, tears forming in his eyes. Breathing felt impossible while his chest felt so painful and tight. He put his hand on his sternum, rubbing softly at his skin in hope of alleviating the pain.
Kacchan stirred in the chair. Izuku tried to keep himself quiet, but the pain was so intense that a moan slipped through.

Katsuki heard a voice coming from the bed, it woke him from his nap. He opened his eyes, alert. Deku was sobbing and rubbing at his chest. "Hey, Deku, what is it? Why are you crying?".
Deku's eyes closed shut, he was sniffling, clearly trying to stop the tears. Katsuki pressed his hand to the sick boy's forehead and hissed. "Shit, your fever is still high!".
Izuku wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak through the pain. He coughed, curling around himself. His coughs were wet and deep, coming from his burning lungs. It made Katsuki worried.

"Oi nerd, is it painful? Are you in pain?" Katsuki finally put two and two together. Deku just nodded, wheezing. Katsuki glanced at the clock, Aizawa won't be here any time soon. He picked his phone, texting half n' half.
K: hey icyhot, he's in pain. What do I do?
T: He's awake? I'm coming!
A few long minutes passed, in which Deku was coughing persistently and showed no sign of stoping. When Icyhot finally arrived, the nerd was barely breathing in between. Todoroki cupped Izuku's cheeks in his hands, unfolding him from his fetal position on the bed. Shouto placed his left palm on his friend's chest and warmed it, all the while the smaller boy still coughing and gasping for air.

"Bakugo, he can't breathe properly". Shouto instructed the blonde on which medicine is needed and how to give it to Midoriya. In the end, the greenette breathed slowly, his breathing labored.
"Hey Midoriya, how do you feel?" Shouto asked softly, his hand on his friend's shoulder. Midoriya didn't respond, just shook his head and clasped his shirt over the chest area. He was clearly in immense pain.
"I can give you a pain killer, but it will make you sleepy again. You should eat first, because you also need another medicine, and it's required to take after a meal... I will be back soon with some soup, okay?" Shouto engaged the greenette in his actions.
Izuku curled again, hugging his knees to his chest. Katsuki's heart broke when he saw the nerd in such state. "Oi Deku, can you speak?". A grunt was the only response he received. "It's a no, then".

Todoroki came back not long after, trying to convince Midoriya to eat. "Deku, stop being a f*cking child. You won't get a pain killer if you won't eat, so sip that damned soup already!"
It took forever to get the nerd to eat. He had a hard time swallowing, and he kept pushing Todoroki's hand away, distancing himself from the food. When Icyhot finally accepted the amount Deku had eaten as a meal, Aizawa was already at the door.
"Midoriya, how are you?". Izuku felt so embarrassed, having all of them taking care of him. "I... 'm f..." he rasped, but it turned into another deep coughing fit.
They waited for the coughs to calm down before handing him the medicine and a glass of water, and Izuku suddenly noticed they all wore face masks.
"Do you need anything before you go back to sleep?" asked the homeroom teacher. "M fine..." the greenette slurred, drifting out of awakeness.

The next time Izuku woke up he heard a familiar feminine voice. He opened his eyes to see Uraraka in his room, talking to Iida.
"Heyyyyy" he whispered, rubbing at his eyes. "Deku kun, good morning! How do you feel? Does you chest hurt?"
As a matter of fact, it was. Izuku's lungs were still on fire, although the ache was bearable. "No, I-I'm fine" he tried speaking loudly, but his throat gave in to the scratchiness, making him cough. The coughs were the worst thing, they left him exhausted and hurt, a metalic after taste on his tongue.
Iida measured his fever and Uraraka rubbed his aching chest. Again, he had people taking care of him, and Izuku didn't know how to accept that.

"I'm fine, leave me alone" he managed to say, his raspy call not louder than a whisper. They both looked at him with pity in their eyes, Iida probably scowled behind the face mask.
"Midoriya, you have a high fever. You should stay rested until you feel better. Sensei told us you have pneumonia, and that you need someone by your side at all times" Iida explained.
"And we are worried for you, Deku kun. You don't take care of yourself, so we do that for you! That's what friends are for, right?"
Tears formed in Izuku's eyes. Friends. He has friends that are worried for him. But no, he decided he will be a hero that worries no one, he can't let them take care of him like that.

Izuku sat up in his bed, the room was spinning around him but he didn't care. He needs to prove that he can manage by himself.
"And where do you think you're going, shitty nerd?" Bakugo's growl was heard, a strong hand pushing him back to his pillow. "I-I don't need your h-help". "Oh, yes you do, dumbass. Your stubbornness is what got you in this state, so stop f*cking playing around. You will be a good stupid patient and rest your sorry ass in that damned bed"
They were all looking at him. Izuku couldn't stand the attention. "Go away! I don't nee..." he started coughing again, and everything turned black.

When Izuku opened his eyes once more, he saw Uraraka by his bed and felt a wet towel traveling over his face.
"Do you really mean it? Do you really want us to leave you alone in this state?" Ochako asked when she saw the emerald eyes glancing at her face.
"Y-yes" whispered the sick boy. "You passed out from trying to shout! Deku kun, you're really sick, and it's my fault! How can I, as your friend and as a hero in training, leave you like that?! Please, just accept my help... It doesn't make you less of a hero..." a tear streamed down into her mask.
'Way to go, Izuku. You made her cry again'. "Sorry..." he rasped, letting himself indulge to her kindness. "P-please don't c-cry...". "So let me help you get better, 'kay?".


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