Now... Shadow was alone.





He stood up, having made his decision.


Shadow slowly walked out onto the balcony, observing the early dawn.

The Twilight kingdom had prospered well, the students having merged with other school. Now it wasn't uncommon to see all three races of Remnant interacting peacefully with each other.

Many councils had come and gone, Sienna was able to move on in peace, glad that equality had been achieved.

The next generation of students after team RWBY had been impressive.

Emerald and Mercury had married after two years of being together, their first child, having graduated the same year as Team RWBY's children had.

Neo had also found someone she cared about, and finally had a mild growth spirt, so she wasn't constantly mistaken as a child.

The sun began to rise, and Shadow smiled, tears forming at his eyes.

His eye flames ignited, an orange glow began seeping up his legs.

They had found the summer maiden, Shadow helping the search effort and put them into a special training class... led by him.

When Raven passed, her granddaughter had received the Spring maiden powers. Yang having already been too old to receive them.

Shadow thought he did a excellent job, the maidens now being used for good. And when history repeated itself and someone tried to take all the maiden powers, Shadow killed them.

The next generation had to deal with that, and when she had gotten hold of the fall maiden powers. She had a intense battle with the next Summer and Spring maiden.

Until Shadow showed up.

The conflict had ended swiftly.

The glow had passed his waist, and began moving up his arms.

After many attempts, Shadow was able to make two children. One of metal, and one of Grimm.

He had taken Salem's library, and after much experimentation, was able to make another humanoid Grimm.

He grew to be a kind person, following his fathers legacy.

His other son was a Android, being made from a combination of Shadow's and Penny's aura.

Now he had heirs, and he hoped that they would lead the Twilight kingdom to greatness.

The sun began rising, casting a orange glow over the land.

The orange glow reached Shadow's head, and his body flashed orange.

He watched the sunrise.

He was the good beast, the purple veil, the warrior of darkness.

The Black king...

He was...

The Grimm with a Soul.

His ashes flew away in the wind.




Shadow slowly stirred, and opened his eyes.

He saw he was on a beach, on some sort of tropical island.

Sitting up, he looked down to see his first form, before he copied any of the maiden powers.

He stood, letting his feet feel the warm sand.

A voice called out to him, and he turned.

He looked with surprise, as his friends were waiting.

Jack draped a arm over his shoulder and led him forward. Penny quickly running up and hugging him.

He saw Ren cooking on a grill, Nora hugging him contently.

Jaune and Pyrrha were opening the cooler, before taking seats next to each other.

Yang and Blake were engaged in a very intense game of volleyball.

And Violet walked up to them with a smile on her face, and a beach ball in her arms.

Shadow looked at his friends and smiled.




Remember. There is still one chapter after this.

The Grimm with a soulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora