Stardust Crusaders 49

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"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA –" Star Platinum shouted throwing a few more punched into the air as he stopped, Jotaro noticing Dio floating behind him as the teenager turned around facing the blond vampire, his Stand retreating.

"Could you see me? .... I asked if you could see me, Jotaro!" Dio shouted angrily.

"See what? I do not know what you are talking about, Dio." Jotaro replied, a golden aura surrounding him, his Stand aura, as he flew away from Dio through Cairo's street, through the night as Dio chased after him.

"Fine! Have it your way! When time is standing still, your ability to see me is irrelevant. If you can move like THE WORLD does, then show me!" Dio screamed following him, fuming.

The first time I managed to stop time was six months ago, Dio recalled. To test my Stand's power and speed, I ordered my servant to fire his shotgun in my direction. As I reached to grab a bullet, for a split second it looked as if time had stood still. That was when it all began... Perhaps I was seeing things, I thought. Is this the sensation of an elite boxer witnessing his opponent's punched lingering in midair? Has my sense of time slowed, like a victim watching his fate unfold moments when seconds feel like an eternity... But my Stand, THE WORLD, was able to move between the hovering bullets suspending in time... and grasp them! It was no illusion!


Dio's eyes widened as his Stand managed to take the in space and time frozen bullets, the vampire servant shot at him, the one with the orange hat, he and Enyaba not moving at all.

"Lord Dio!" Enyaba shouted excitedly. "One day, you will dominate time! You must believe that you can move amid the realm of frozen time! It must be like breathing! Or like snapping a HB pencil between your fingers! You must believe it is completely ordinary. What is important is that you believe you can do it!" She instructed, rambling. "You must have the mental fortitude to push aside your doubts! You are the ruler of this world! Controlling time is second nature!"

Then one day, I sensed the wheels of time and THE WROLD interlock. Like a ray of light dispersing the shadows, a revelation befell me. My mind was never clearer.


"I, Dio, have surpassed all living things, all Stand users!" Dio yelled. "Now I can stop time for five seconds. And day by day that time will grow longer! Jotaro! Now I shall see just how powerful you truly are!... THE WORLD! STOP TIME!"

Stopping time again, Dio approached Jotaro cautiously, seeing Jotaro's hand twitch as he came closer as Dio suddenly started chuckling before breaking out laughing, taking a small magnet from his wrist, from his gold bracelet, noticing another mag...

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Stopping time again, Dio approached Jotaro cautiously, seeing Jotaro's hand twitch as he came closer as Dio suddenly started chuckling before breaking out laughing, taking a small magnet from his wrist, from his gold bracelet, noticing another magnet on Jotaro's school uniform sleeve. "You planted a magnet on me. He must have attached it to my sleeve when we were exchanging glows. It looks like a wallet magnet or a magnet from a pocket planner... you had me fooled. Very clever indeed... But a trick like this just proves you cannot move while time is standing still! You only postponed your death by a few seconds! This time, you will... DIE! JOTARO!" He screamed, his Stand manifesting as he raced for the teenager ready to punch him as suddenly Star Platinum's arm extended from Jotaro's arm, punching a gaping hole in THE WORLD's stomach, blood splattering out of Dio's usually deadly wound as then again Jotaro and Star Platinum stopped moving again.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu