Final Authors Note

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The project that has been in the works for so long is finally fully posted! After I finally make a cover for an upcoming one (which is already fully written, I just need to poke through and edit it a bit), I'd like to know what little facet of the universe I've built you readers want to learn about next. The next project I'll be posting is called Forgotten Ties, and it's there to showcase (and set up other characters I plan to write backstory for later) what happens after the Epilogue of this book, and the results of that. 

So here's a few options:

Explore the lore of the universe itself (the gods/abilities, stuff like that).

Character backstories (could be any character introduced that I haven't developed in something already posted). 

History of the the shapeshifters and/or the elementals. 

I look forwards to seeing what everyone thinks! ^u^


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