Chapter Eleven

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"I dislike everything about this," Holli stated flatly, shooting a glare at Elias as she slunk through the trees. Elias didn't bother answering as he walked silently along behind her, with Iris leading the two. They'd waited until dark to approach the phoenix but finding him in the first place had been a task and a half. Clearly, he knew was he was doing. The phoenix had made a small camp in the forest not far from the base of the main mountain range.

Iris spotted a bright flame in the distance, "there." She pointed towards it, then shot a firm stare at Elias, "let me approach first, lest you ruin it by getting ahead of yourself."

Elias straightened, narrowing his eyes at her in challenge, "I outrank you, Iris. You don't get to order me around."

"Grandmother specifically asked us to bring him back without injury. I know you well enough that if he gets defensive, you'll become aggressive and do something you'll regret." Iris shot back at him, standing with her arms crossed across her chest. Her own eyes flared with just as much challenge.

Holli watched the two, stopping for a moment, chuckling, "and here I thought you two got along decently." Both turned to stare at her, irritated, as soon as she spoke.

"Oh, hush, you," Iris promptly shoved her cousin into a tree, rolling her eyes, before continuing on towards the fire, and the phoenix they'd been sent to collect. She stopped at the edges of the trees to a observe a dark-clad figure sitting right by the fire. Her gaze glanced over a long gash on his arm, and she winced. Wouldn't be shocked if that's from one of my grandmother's allies. Iris watched as the phoenix rested him arm right in the fire without flinching once, and her eyes widened with wonder as the wound began to vanish. Elias suddenly rushed out, drawing his sword, and Iris hissed furiously, "you feather-brained idiot-"

Elias was decisively stopped by a bright flash of lightning separating him and the phoenix, who seemed oddly disappointed, rather than alarmed. When the flash had faded, the fire was out, and he stood staring at Elias with a raised eyebrow, "did you really think I didn't know you were there? I know when I'm being tracked, fledgling." The Corrum just stood there and stared with his jaw dropped nearly to the ground. Confusion was clearly displayed in his eyes as he continued to fail in blocking the phoenixes abilities, and he backed away slightly.

" didn't remember that sometimes phoenixes have the ability to throw lightning significantly more powerful than your average mythical?" Iris paced out, watching Elias in disappointment. "This is why I said I was going to speak with him first, genius." She turned her gaze towards the phoenix, her gaze flickering with interest and recognition. A long time ago, he'd approached her and given her the dagger she kept on her belt, then vanished without a trace. Now here he was, again. Holli slid out of the forest, watching mildly, but not stepping in to do anything.

The phoenix's gaze stopped at Iris, and he seemed to freeze in place as a million memories swarmed his golden eyes. Iris met his gaze, tilting her head as she tried to recall where else she knew him from, but any memories that might exist evaded her. He finally spoke, voice quiet, "I didn't expect to be seeing you here."

Elias got over his shock and shook his head firmly, his voice demanding, "how do you know her?"

"Nothing stays hidden forever," he responded vaguely. Sparks flickered between his fingers in a silent warning. The phoenix then sighed, brushing the sparks away, "before I go visit with your grandmother, I'd like to speak with Iris." A second later he flicked a small bolt at Elias, making the bird shifter jump backwards in alarm, "now shoo. I'll be over in a moment. Holli can stay." He nodded at the dragon shifter respectfully. Holli returned the gesture silently, her eyes rounded in awed reverence.

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