'BEAUTIFUL' Is A Feeling

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"I am not pretty or good looking... I am far from beautiful... I do not look good in clothes apart from those that cover my entire body... My legs and arms are not pretty enough to be shown... I do not even think I can ever...."

She did not understand this thing about this girl beside Her. This girl was the most adorable existence: the little person that she was, she was far too fragile for a person like Her to not protect. She was the quietest child in the entire class and out of everyone who approached Her when she was new, that girl was the only one with whom she had the least contact with. She was such a beautiful soul and yet she wasn't feeling herself to be good enough to go out into the world and just be who she is.

She did not understand this entire situation where these pretty people were weary with who they were. Why they were not happy with what they had within themselves, what made them different.

People were originally born to BE different and that is why there are 70 billion+ different people around the world. Even people who look the same have very different personalities. Yes, some are there who do not acknowledge people as they are. But the rest... what about all those people who do..? There were millions who would accept them as who they were.. but all they noticed were the people who would not. She did not know why girls did not know to appreciate others beauty without questioning their own.

Yes some girls are gorgeous... so much that wherever they go , they bedazzle every hint of darkness but she was the type who liked these people who did not seem like it , but their eyes were tangled with the stars and their hearts tethered to a promise. They were so brave to be beside others whenever they needed them, but they lacked the courage to be themselves. Sometimes they know about themselves but some times they don't... whatever it maybe they do not have the courage to accept it.

Yes it does take courage to be in one's own skin, but she did not understand that why these pretties who were so brave to protect others lack it when it comes to themselves. They judge themselves not with their own eyes but the way society justifies them. She could not explain how their features are so true to them and how beautiful they looked to a stranger because they are unique. Confidence is the ability to feel beautiful without others telling about it, but they did not have this one thing about the things they themselves had by birth. Other people yearn for what they have , yet they yearn for those what others have. They do not understand that they are either as beautiful or as ugly as they themselves believed they were, that they define their own beauty and that is a power no one could ever have over them.

'Every person is lacking... no one is complete...' she heard these a lot around but the trouble was where people ultimately judge them for what they did not have. They share posts about self love but has anyone ever called out to any one of these pretty girls in real life and said to think about those things that they are instead of those that they are not..? To be authentic and truly live as an individual ? No they have not... but why cannot they not just appreciate themselves..?

--- Its hard.

They said to her.

--- Its hard to live amidst all those people who do not take you because you are not like others. You won't know cause you have not faced that but the world is against us.

--- I am not against you... I like that you are different... There are more people out there who think like I do. Don't kill the flowers growing inside of you for someone who does not appreciate the way you bloom. You should not be afraid of wanting what you deserve and you should not be afraid to walk away to find it.

To all these beautiful people who felt as if they weren't Pretty enough She just wanted to let them know that they are needed. They might not feel like it right then... but they really were. Yes they have been hard on themselves, She knew how they spoke and talk to themselves was nothing that they would repeat out loud. She knew how they felt that this was it, that this was what the future had for them... But its not. If not anyone else, maybe she alone would keep cheering for them. She would urge them to keep going , to keep trying every single day.

They might not know but in some other place, in someone's heart they are already making waves, moving mountains and being who they are meant to be.

People often say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but the most liberating thing is when you realize that the beholder is you. If you ARE pretty, then you just ARE pretty, but the only way of being beautiful is 'TO BE LOVING'; otherwise it is just a sarcastic "Congratulations for having that face".

They have spent years criticizing themselves, imagine what would actually happen if they approved of themselves. At the end of the day they would know that they are a good person, they may not be perfect but that their intentions are good, their hearts are pure and they love with whatever is inside of them... they might not realize it now but the people around them actually love them for that.

She tried to be so completely herself that everyone else felt safe to be themselves too. She is the greatest project she has ever worked on and she was successful. She was proud to be what she was and she knew that if people won't then the universe is there... The universe supports her in every way. Her wings was her own, she did not ask for it nor was she given any, She fought for them. Her skin was the color of the earth, her eyes beheld the oceans in her heart and she blossomed so very beautifully. Butterflies were attracted to her and so were the beasts. She was the one who chose sides. She withstood the rain , the storms , the blizzards and the snow. Her petals were her strength not her weakness. She was meant to be flower and she managed to be a beautiful one at that amidst all the chaos.

When it feels like no one is there and it feels like everything will just end then and there, it is just a sign... a sign the universe is sending to just slow down... they should not give up in themselves but slow down to reflect on everything that they have and who is there for them. They always find something to do and somewhere to go... but the greatest gifts are already in their possession. They should give presence to these moments and especially to themselves. It is time to reflect on things that they need the most for themselves and what or who does not really matter to live on. Deep reflections may seem hard but it is also the most rewarding for themselves to be 'Beautifully Me'.

-Break free from the pressure to fit in.

-Break free from comparing yourself to everyone.

-Break free from hating yourself for all those things that you aren't.

-Break free from believing that you aren't special or strong enough.

-Never stop fighting for YOU. It might feel impossible but trust me, it will be filling enough to be worth giving a try.

She promised.

JUST ANOTHER MONOLOGUE OF A MODERN KIDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora