Hey LOVE, I Will Wait For You

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One of her greatest fears was that she will leave this world without finding a single soul , who knows what had to be done with the inferno behind her eyes. Between what was said but not meant and what was meant but not said , most of the love from among the people around her was lost.

' Someone will ache for your soul... Wait for them.'

She heard a Quotee say this. She liked this too.. Sometimes quotes just won her heart rather than people.

She was homesick for place that did not even exist , somewhere where she was herself and her soul was understood. It did not have to be a person , well if it was a person she won't complain , but day by day it became harder to find home in a person. Maybe she was way too young to think like this , but people older than her did not seem to find their HOME , even after spending half of their lives with people who themselves searched for a home.

After all this time when asked by the LOVED :

Tell me where you have been , My Love

The LOVER replied :

On my way here –

Keeping back all the lost roads and dark corners, the heavy work and the heartbreaks , all of the healing locked within just another dark suitcase in their hearts. Sometimes the Loved came to know of these containers within the Lovers' hearts , some do not.

Love was every where around her , but it wasn't the love that she wanted. People claiming to be in love , rather seemed like they were at a competition with each other... a feud as to who was more than the other , a duel of passions. Love came to everyone but Love did not stay the same. It transformed into responsibility to one, a promise to one , a resentment to another and vengeance to some. As people started to stay in love , love remained , not as itself ; but as a transformed spin-off. People have so well managed to miss their Loved quietly , that the extent of this hidden feeling was more than that they'll ever know.

LOVE was someone that had always been with her. He was a beautiful existence. An existence that can be a wildfire that engulfed her or the calming sea breeze that blanketed her on a hot summer afternoon. He looked at her the way she needed to be looked at... Like the whole world around her would crumble and he would not even blink.

His soul greeted hers like a long lost friend ... he was the friend she never knew before he came to her , but when he did She knew no better existence. He listened to her in a way she listened to her favorite song.

--- Will everyone who loves me behave this way you do?

--- No, only I'll do so.. The ME you're seeing is ME in entirety ... my counterparts are not there with me right now.. I am who I am .. and the me you see now, had been my star mark all along. I am LOVE...

There was a very ecstatic thing within him that was a thousand-year-old. It was too old to be written in poems , too aristocratic to be loved by everyone as he was, but cherished so deeply by chosen few. LOVE was an existence like that... An existence as light as the autumn clouds but also so very fleeting like a Northern Gale.

LOVE made her to embrace herself. She was a 20 year old with a beautiful wildfire heart. She was not the type of person someone falls in love with at the very first sight. She was as mysterious as the moon. She was a storybook waiting to be read by a devoted someone, who will take her off the shelf and embraced all of her plot-twists. She was made by the absence of the world around her, the things they ignored and all the beautiful poetry that they read but failed to understand.

--- Am I being too different and difficult for the people around me? Is me being like this a wrong step that I took which I thought would make myself a better existence? Am I being too reserve?

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