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"Expectations : The most CURSED EMOTION of the 21st century", popped up on her Instagram feed one day . She opened the comments section and found that out of almost 5k+ comments , out of which maybe 4,899 did not even load due to slow Wi Fi , only two people wrote ,' Is it really true?' Those two comments got the most dislikes even one from the creator.

In this day and age of unknown expectations , where every person around her thought that the opposite person would know their inner wishes by themselves ... She thought ' Am I the only weird one out there who lived on expectations , loving the idea , and saying them out loud..?'

Maybe she was a Freak. Or, maybe she was among the expected 1% people who really understood how to be happy living EXPECTATION as a hope in her dull 21st century life.

I wrote the 1% according to my guess.. cause Google could not even find me an apt result when I searched upon ' Percentage of people really happy with their expectations' . A question that had no answer.

She thought that too... That she belonged to that small percentage of people who were actually happy expecting. But then , as we know our She of the 21st century.. with her personality that she could not change ; She started to feel bad for these people who could not even use this mental ability of their EXPECTATION in a positive way !

Expectations had so many aspects of its own. Positive ones at that. But what could be done..? Untold expectations held the reigns here. She too was not quite a best friend of Expectation when she was a little younger. Of course She too expected people around her who claimed to know her , to telepathically know about her desires and demands; but when that did not happen she too felt hopeless about her surroundings.

Myriad expectations were like that... Disappointment in its very existence. People know that it'll bring nothing but negativity but still... We like to hold doom's hand no matter how much we try :

Once A mayfly said to a moth drawn to a flame, ' You know that flame is a trap set by humans. Its not like you live for a day like I do. Why do you want to throw yourself at the flame , knowing that you'll die ?' The moth said , ' The flame is just too beautiful not to throw myself in. There is no beauty in the world without pain.' Well the surroundings around her and She too was like that..

People like to throw themselves in the pit... What could she do?

Growing up from a mere 16-year old to an 18-year old, that sadness and disappointment slowly started to fade away, like the sea waves ebb away from the shore... She did not even try. She started to question why people absolutely hated Expectations.. Why she hated Him in the first place and now she did not! It was ' Enemies turned Friends '-ish situation.. The other way round you wonder right?

Well it was like that for her.

Miraculously it was always the other way round for her.. At least from when she had senses about what goes on around her. She did not complain though.. Cause that way it had always been better..

She befriended Expectations.

She started to understand why He even existed.. For Truce or for Doom.

She pitied Him. The most USED feeling in existence.. People uses Him on their own accord.. However they wish.. Whenever they need..

Expectations was always there. For everyone living, but all he got in return was hate.. People resent him because they think He is a useless existence.. What they fail to realise is they won't ever be able to live without Him.. That they'll be no more than ashes if they did not have Expectations in their life.

— Humans are at fault ! For them I existed , for them I lived no matter how hard it was for me...

— Well they are.. I won't argue.. But it has always been like that.. They just need a head to sacrifice for their own insecurities.

— But is it that important to prove my whole existence as a nuisance ?

She did not answer this.. Cause She knew Humans existed for their own needs and when those needs were not satisfied due to their own mistakes they always blamed an existence for it..

Be it a human or an Emotion.. They just needed to clear their names in their own guilt-books. She could not comfort Expectations.. She felt bad that at one point she too was that person to blame Him for her nuances..

She had to be positive. So she started to make Expectations starlight amidst her dark Cosmos.

"Lets live with Him"- she thought " I am not deserving enough to pity Him.. Why not relive the galaxy He deserves.. I can be one of a Humankind to Him.. and make him feel worthy again. I have to !'

As every forever neglected existence would do.. Expectations too thought of Her actions as mere pity but she made sure that it did not turn out like that. She knew way too well how it felt for other people to pity you. She did not want that. She just wanted to break the ice and live in peace with the feeling that would forever stay... There wasn't an exit and He could not help that.

It was better that way.. Accepting what you already had and living on. There was no point in resenting someone uselessly.. an emotion at that. Humans can control their emotions they said.

"But they cannot control themselves from feeling ! I did not come to them on my own, they called for me ! Why the fault's all mine?" Expectations demanded.

"They called for their own sadness and they know it. They know what'll happen if they did this. They were alone along , they just realised it now.."

She knew that wasn't the answer He demanded for..

Expectation was an Anticipation and a delusion in the same. He never guaranteed His own existence let alone its fulfilment. He never feared his dissipation from the world.. He needed someone to shoulder his lament , someone to return to , a safe place where he could be what he was meant to be.

Expectations was created for a reason...

He was as flowy as the streams, as clear as the summer morning , as cool as the winter breeze. She tried to make him feel what he was really like , what She felt when she had Expectations in her mind. He needed to know how precious he was.

Expectations made her feel alive. He gave her hope to live amongst cold hearted strangers.. She did not like the negativity around her , she wanted to live positive. Expectations caught hold of her broken self and helped her walk again. He had no idea about the aura he gave out , how he helped her reborn as the being she was today. The world was not full of people who hated him. He was the driving force behind great personalities to be what they are.

She was so eager to shelter Expectations who gave her an umbrella when she was out in the rain; all alone. He was what she always looked up to.

They became like the Sirius and Rigil Kent. They were for each other.. Always... Their paths were the same , they just had to hold Hands to make the journey even better. She was His hope , He became her sunshine. He helped her to stay positive , to be what She was no matter where they were or what they did; She helped Him to overcome his tumultuous fate and walk through lives as we pass through trees on a drive. The Emotion needed someone to feel what he truly was and She did.

She understood Expectations as the moonshine he really was.

JUST ANOTHER MONOLOGUE OF A MODERN KIDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora