Chapter 35

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Three weeks later Jack and Ty are sorting out the Barn to help Amy, Lyndy is with Lou and Lisa at the Ranch House.
Tim parks up and walks in, doesn't knock.
"I didn't hear you knock the Door Tim".
"I didn't ".
"Well in future I'd appreciate it if you knocked and didn't Just walk in.".
"Why, I've never knocked".
"Well this is my home now Tim and I do not want anyone who doesn't live in the House to Just walk in".
"Actually I came to see Amy, and when did you have another baby Lou".
"Oh, this little girl isn't mine, this little cutie is Amy and Ty's,  aren't you gorgeous ".
"What, when did Amy have a baby".
"Err,  6 months ago".
"So she was pregnant before she got Married  then".
"Well you can blame the Accident,  or the Kidnapping,   but mainly the Explosion Tim, if Ty hadn't been standing in front of Amy then this little girl would never of been born and they'd of already been married".
"So where is She".
"She's away for the Day Dad, what do you want".
"To see if she's fixed my horses".
"Oh, you mean the ones she told you she couldn't help you with because she was fully booked up with clients".
"Yeah, I left them in case she found time".
"Well she's been working 4 hours every day and she's still booked up, she's in great demand".
"Why's she only working 4 hrs a Day".
"Because she has a Daughter to raise Tim, your horses are in the Back Paddock if you'd like to take them with you".
"Ahh, see I knew she'd find time to fix em".
"Dad, Amy hasn't touched them,  you see you left them here without instructions as to what's wrong with them, you didn't sign a contract giving Amy permission to work with them and you didn't sign the Account details for the Charges for the work to be carried out ".
"What',,, she hasn't touched them".
"Amy did say you'd have to pay, she doesn't do freebies anymore".
"Yeahhh, she said, So where is she today".
"She's at a Rodeo Tim".
"You mean that Barrel Racer".
"Yes Dad, it's her bit of escapism to do something different occasionally, like Ty goes out on his bike for a change".
"How many times a year does she do it".
"Whenever she feels like it".
"Now less of the questions into her life, and leave her alone Dad. Just collect the horses and take them back".
Tim huffs and walks out towards the Barn. When he gets there and see's Jack mucking out he can't resist to rile Jack up.

To be continued

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