Part 7: The "Long Awaited" Plan's penultimate phase

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2 Months later:

    penultimate: second to last pretty much.

    It was 2 months since and the quirk harvesting process on the kidnapped students has gotten pretty far and being on planet god only made the search impossible. The quirk harvesting process being taking the quirks of the students and copying them 10's of 1,000's of times over. The process will need about one more month so it's not done yet, meaning Ace isn't ready to take over Bakugou's body just yet. And now with One for All in Ace's grasp the team of villains now known as the Ace's were ready to go with phase 3 out of 4 of their plan. Not only that but Ace had multiple AFO clones ready just incase Ace dies again he could just revive again. Ace, Anti Uravity(Uraraka), and Ender(Todoroki, not the ender in the Endeavor agency arc) Could now get their trusty scientist Kagaku to begin phase 3.

Kagaku: Geez this is tough, at least I get paid a ton of money for this stuff by Midoryia. Phew well then those three should be coming with Neito Monoma soon don't know why they need him but his copy ability sure is good after all, and besides Uraraka hasn't even been suspected as one of us yet so she can go to U.A without worrying.

Ace: Oi Kagaku we have him now, he was at some traing camp, so I got 2 others as well, the names are Shihai Kuroiro, and Nirengeki Shoda. 

Kagaku: Ok then, umm quirks.

Ace: Right Shihai Kuroiro's quirk allows him to move in dark areas and even pop out of them, and (sadistic smile) NIRENGEKI SHODA'S QUIRK ALLOWS HIM TO MAKE A SECOND IMPACT FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN THE FIRST! GOOD ISN'T IT!!

Kagaku: Geez that's too overpowered, well then lets start this especially Monoma. Yo guys get them here.

Anti Uravity, and Ender: Got them.

Ender: That was too easy, and besides with these Nomu's in our hands were invincible.

Ace: Damn it dude, we were invincible the second Aku gave me my powers. And besides with the country in chaos there's no telling what could happen.

Anti Uravity: Geez Shoto's really been crazy lately.

Ender: What was tha..

 Ace: Calm down NOW!!

Everyone: OK 

    With that done and out of the way the process began and Ace Ender and Anti Uravity had went to chill. Unknowing to the even their scientist himself the three were secretly dating but not to make it obvious the acted normally around him as if they were normal friends. and honestly the had even bigger plans for Bakugou than anyone else. 

Quick note: The class b students were knocked out cold here.

The Media was now getting watch to these incidents as now Nezu was forced to resign from his spot and all U.A teachers were stripped of their licenses as well leading to U.A potentially........................ End of part 7. 

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