Hopps and Wilde: Partners in Law

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It took almost a week to reclaim the missing mammals from the asylum. The Timberwolf crew had to co-operate with a SWAT team to escort the still-savage mammals into the vans, but in the end the job was done. The police also found Judy's meter maid cart, too, right there by the entrance of the Tundratown Limo Service parking lot where she had left it. Funny thing, it didn't even have a speck of snow on it, just a fogged window with some frost creeping around the fenders.

The news of Miss Bellwether's actions took the world by storm. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Judy and Nick were all hailed as heroes, giving full interviews to the many media circuses that came over to the police station to praise them. The newspapers even mentioned Darkwing Duck's actions, but his story rated less than half a column in the Zootopia Times. Almost the entire front page was given over to Bellwether's nefarious plot. ZNN picked it up right away, and there was a lot of talk about Bellwether's backstory on television. They worked up a sweat over the "wolf in sheep's clothing" and tried their damnedest to make out that Dawn Bellwether had been prejudiced against mammals for years. They called for a complete investigation of everyone who had known her for the past two decades, looking for their side of her story.

But then, of course, the newspaper writers would have to interview every citizen in Zootopia, and they certainly didn't have the time or money to interview even the minorities.

Chief Bogo gave out a number of interviews, several of which were actually printed in full—two of them with photographs and a video for an online article. He promised a full investigation of all aspects of the case. The local district attorney called for a speedy trial and an immediate replacement for Bellwether and Lionheart's positions (primary election was coming in October) and did nothing to directly contradict the written and oral rumors which were circulating in which Dawn Bellwether was portrayed as guilty of totalitarianism, dictatorship, fascism, communism and crimes against animals.

Actually, of course, he had never even talked to Bellwether, who was now incarcerated at the State Prison, sharing a cell with her former boss.

Somewhere along the time all the captured mammals were in hospice, Darkwing was moping in front of his computer, hatless and maskless with Gosalyn stroking his right forearm while on that side with Launchpad on his left, leaning over him to express his sympathy.

"Gone...gone for good, mostly likely."

Gosalyn then started to rub the forearm, her right index finger drawing an invisible line over Darkwing's middle vein.

"She probably didn't want to see you again after what she was planning to do to Zootopia. I mean her intentions seemed good and all, but controlling the citizens with magic is almost the same as mind-control. She had to be stopped, even if her father did predict the future, which was only half correct, to be honest."

Launchpad leaned himself down by three inches.

"Gotta agree with you, Gosalyn. Some people actually overthink their goals, leading them to believe that what they are doing is for the good of animal kind and not the bad. Morgana likely had so much magic that she let it all go to her head, ya know? So she...got too powerful."

Darkwing slanted his eyes left at Launchpad. It was clear that the pilot's words were not reaching into his soul and it was something that he had to find for himself.

"I think it would be better if I tried to find answer on my own. Maybe my willpower can give me a hint as to where Morgana can be."

Launchpad walked away from the computer, followed a quarter of three seconds later by Gosalyn into the elevator. As she got in, she turned back to her adoptive father and said.

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