Jaguar Gone Wild

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After a day and a half of scouring the city, finding an empty office building with some long forgotten transactions of Taurus Bulba's "business deals", Darkwing decided not to return to the tower until the source of Macawber's Mushrooms could be discovered. He could never really get to sleep without cracking a case, and maybe if he were find shipments of toppings (olives, mushrooms, anchovies and pepperoni among others) he could be able to track them down to the company headquarters if the supposed toppings were shipped back for any reasons concerning health.

"This is one time I could have definitely needed Launchpad's help to divide and conquer."

He muttered to himself as he drove the Ratcatcher on into the night, wishing for some criminal activity to occupy his time in this quiet night of silence.

Then his thoughts went to Morgana.

He remembered the way her aristocratic personality charmed him as Drake Mallard back in the graveyard and how she carried herself with lovely velvet dress of red and her hair black with that stripe of fear waning in the middle. Such a person of that class would be living in a mansion with servants and diamonds to fit her image and he was able to just in front of the first one that met his eyes.

"Funny place to build a condo."

Indeed, the mansion looked out of place in between two apartment complexes. Surrounded by a lawn of grass, it looked to be about six stories tall and in a crooked shape, twisting right at the bottom then left at the top. The paint in the moonlight was a faded white with red roof tiles. It was truly a creative piece of Victorian bed-and-breakfast chic from a Charles Addams cartoon.

"In case she's not here," Darkwing spoke quietly to himself. "I'll just use the process of elimination. For now this is stop number one."

He jumped onto the window of the top floor, certain that Morgana's bedroom was. Peeking into the window, he could make out the details: maroon wallpaper and a queen sized bed with blankets and sheets as red as blood. Two light fixtures on opposite ends and an old fashioned lamp made up the room's source of light. A gothic dresser on the wall before the bed and a smaller, neo-classical version on the left side carried some trinkets, bottles and photographs. His right ear, unknowingly lying on the glass could almost hear a familiar voice.

"I wish I could be more closer to you, Daddy. Help you with your mission."

In need of hearing her more clearly, Darkwing had discovered that the double door windows were loose. He opened them by a crack, slipped in by keeping the windows open at the measurement of his own weight and slid his way behind the curtain, closing the right door window, then the left and thought of surprising the lovely duck with his dramatic "fear of shadow" entrance. This would be accomplished by having him use his cape to camouflage himself within the shadows, resulting an unexpected surprise and a less arduous opportunity to pounce his foes.

Morgana had been doing her rounds all day: visiting the graveyard, selling more pizzas by the pound all over the city and was still supplying mushrooms to outgoing sources within the hours that passed. Now she felt exhausted, but not as exhausted when she came home, straight and refined from putting up with her less agreeable mutant "mushroom" managers who, while loyal to her cause, had their own opinions towards the company's future transactions, stocks and shareholders in ambitious ways that seemed to conjugate with their somewhat cannibalistic behavior. She turned on the light switch and gasped at the fear of shadow, which immediately turned into the mauve figure of Darkwing Duck, standing in a heroic pose of strictness. Calming her heart down to slow beats, Morgana regained composure.

"So you must be the famous Darkwing Duck. I'm sure know me through my company, Morgana Macawber, queen of the mushrooms. I like your cape. Kevlar goes good with flexible battles, but that mask and fedora need work. If you want your identity to be completely concealed from those who try to use deductive reasoning, I suggest buying a helmet and a mask with a voice disguise device."

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