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The next morning Travis ran past the cabin and knocked on the window yelling " Up, Up, Up, we have visitors" I jumped off the couch (Yes i was sleeping on the couch, it's very difficult to share a bed with a child of Ares.)

I changed out of my PJ's and ran to wake up Kara, I swear to gods nothing can wake this girl up. I tried to wake her as gently as possible but i got impatient and tickled her,

"Fuck you, I want five more minutes," she growled.

"Sorry, your majesty" I said sarcastically " We have visitors."

Eventually she got out of bed. We walked, well i walked she just leaned on my shoulder.

We went to the bottom of the hill and saw eight dark shadows appear. I was to far away to hear what they were saying, but the conversation seemed very serious.

Then out of the blue an Ares camper started to yell "They must be the vampires from the prophecy." The camper ran towards a girl with short black hair and other campers closely followed. The other vampires closed into a protective circle, then out of the corner of my eye i saw a pale blonde girl with bright red lips and golden eyes run toward Kara she had no weapons to defend her self. I ran as fast as i could and dived in front of Kara, I looked at the girl as she looked at me, i didn't mean to, but the violence in my eyes and the anger in her's made me feel even more defensive "get the fuck away from her" I growl, "make me" she growled, she acted like she was enjoying this, like this was a game. "Alright" I summoned an army of the dead, for a second I saw the girl look slightly nervous, but she hid it well.

"Enough!!!" Chiron screamed, I grabbed Kara and went to Chirons side, everyone had calmed down and gone to there respective sides.

"Carlisle, I think we should take this inside, The older blonde man said "I agree," and walked away with Chiron, the other vampires followed, the girl with the pale blonde hair turned around, locked eyes with me and spat on the ground, I of course did the only sensible thing, and gave her the finger.

Later on I sat with Kara on the bottom of my bed, replaying the events of today over and over in my head, who was that girl, what did they want, why did Chiron and that man seem to know each other. I was so confused.

The Kara snapped me out of my trance,

"Hey," she said " Thanks for saving me today."

"Of course," "what was i gonna do, not help you," I kissed her on her forehead, then i noticed beneath me there was a scorpion. "Kara, slowly get off the bed"

"Wha- , Ace whats wron-," she sad sounding worried

"Just trust me" I pleaded. Slowly she jumped of the bed.

I grabbed my knives and chopped the scorpion in half, I picked up both pieces and held them up, "Scorpion"

"Gross" said Kara.

"Yea" I replied " and I know just the person who planted it here".

Just as I suspected I saw the girl from earlier down by the lake

~Viva Les fandoms 

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