Ace I

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I could hear them getting closer and closer, "they're coming, the vampires, they're coming," screamed Xander.

Ok, i feel like I should explain, my name is Ace and this is the story of how the world was almost destroyed because Zeus is a player and Hera got pissed cause her husband is an Asshole," It started a longgggg time ago, around the time when there were demons and shit everywhere, and everyone believed in the Greek Gods.

Basically Lamina was a beautiful Libyan queen turned into child-eating monster by Hera for attracting the attention of Zeus. Ok, now that we're all caught up, we'll dive right in to my story...

It was a hot summer day, the day my brother, Xander and I go back to camp Half-Blood.

When we finally got back to Cabin 13 (Hades), I put my bag on my bed and ran to find my best friends, Connor and Travis Stoll, I finally found them in the Hermes cabin.


"Oh my gods, Ace, why didn't you tell us you were coming back, We would have hid something in your be-" Connor kicked Tarvis in the shin to stop him for leaking anymore information,

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Anyway moving on" said Travis " How was your year."

"It was pretty boring, counting the seconds till I could come back here," " anyways whats the news here?"

" We got two new campers." said Connor.

" Lets go introduce you."

They led me over to two blonde kids, a girl and a boy. The girl looked around seven, and the boy fourteen.

"Ace this is Annabeth and that's Luke"

"Nice to meet you,"said the blonde boy, Luke.

" yea, you too." " The tree of us were just about to head over to the mess hall, you guys wanna come"

"we wouldn't want to impo-"

The blonde girl cut him off, "We'd love to."

After finishing a delicious dinner, we decide to go on a walk, that's when everything went to shit.

Xander and his boyfriend, Jack came running out of the Big House shouting "Mother Fuc-" he saw Annabeth and instantly shut his trap. "The prophecy's at it again"

The five of us ran into the Big House, where the prophecy was spewing green smog.

"Creatures of night Unite by moonlight, Together must you fight,

To destroy the undead queens might .

If you shall fail The dead will prevail.

But a rain of Hale Will cure your tremendous ail."

"oh shit" said Annabeth "I'm out."

"Chiron" "SOMEBODY GET CHIRON" i screamed.

Later at the big house everyone was running around frantically, worrying and worst of all, talking, my least favorite activity, ironic really cause my power is necromancy, which means i can talk to the dead. Honestly the dead are easier to talk to than humans.

I decided to go back to my cabin and blast some Foo Fighters.

The next day i got woken up at 2am, "Xander i swear to the go-," he was lying asleep in his bed. " Hello, is there someone here, show your self right now or i'll snap your neck, when i find you." A spirit suddenly appeared

"what do you want," I said.

the spirit answered in a eerie tone " your father wanted me to tell you that a war is coming"

"yea, no shit Sherlock."

"The woman your fighting will be very difficult to defeat, she is called the Lamina, and she has a whole army of Vampire 's on her side."

"Fuck My Life"

~Viva Les fandoms

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