2012!💜🐢||Enter: New Rival!

Start from the beginning

Lo and behold in the middle of the crowd was the new guy and the school's soccer team surrounded by giggling fangirls and---is that April smiling and clinging on the (h/c)'s arm?!?!?

This (y/n) whatever-his-lastname manage to not only be a star member of the soccer team, he is also the new school heartthrob and basically stole all the hot babes at school in less than a week?? Seriously what the hell!?

Things had just gone from bad to worse when April started stay on campus grounds and ditch hangout plans just to watch this asshole practice. It became worrisome for the others at how they were seeing their friend less and less. On the other hand, it was driving both Donnie and Casey insane! What is so good about watching a sweaty guy run around and kicking ball into nets anyway?!

So what if he's good looking or smart or sporty? Donnie and Casey were still better than him right? Well sure they would still get the redhead's attention but as soon as she caught the one and only (y/n) from the corner of her eye? Poof. She's gone. Legit teleported to the teen boy's side. Yeah sure teenagers are supposed to be crazy with all that hormones at that age but come on!!

Damn this new rival is a strong one. The blood in their bodies are basically boiling at the thought of that boy putting his greasy dirty little hands on their April.

But the two love sick morons aren't going to give up so easily. No sir!

So they came up with a plan.

The plan was to embarrass this (girl)friend stealer by making Donnie sneak into the soccer team's locker (ya know cuz he's a sneaky ninja) with a bucket of sewage water. He was supposed to pour it all over the unsuspecting victim's head, then scare the shit out of him so bad that he runs out of the locker room--into the halls butt naked and drenched in stinky sewage water for the whole student body to see! The newspaper club will eat that up!

Last but not the least they added a special touch to the plan.

Casey would purposely take April down the hall for the perfect moment to see all of it unfold with front row seats  (possibly with popcorn and a camera ready to catch that ass in 4k) and then April would never want to get involved with that stupid (y/n) ever again!

Although it wasn't Donatello's style to do something so petty as a stink prank, he gave in. (Casey handled most of the planning when Donnie started to suggest they should involve chainsaws and bodybags) It would be a pretty satisfying and hilarious scene so the turtle agreed to Casey's plan.

Hey if things go accordingly, this other kid (y/n) might just switch schools! Which is great for him! One less rival out of the way.

And so the day finally arrived. Donnie successfully snuck into the school soccer team's locker room in one of the shower stalls. Casey told Donnie earlier that (y/n) and April were supposed to have a study session for their History exam, so (y/n) should be leaving their sports practice early. Perfect!

The bo staff wielding ninja was nervous. During the planning stage this sounded like a good plan, but now that he was here; he kind of felt bad now. Maybe this is a little too much? I mean... we're talking about ruining a person's entire reputation and having possible PTSD or at least a trauma for the rest of their life. Maybe he can still back out. Talk to Casey and tone down the plan? Donnie's train of thought was interrupted by a text from the blockhead.

CaveMouth👎: 'The poop is in the toilet. I repeat! The poop is in the toilet. Ready Operation: Flush!' it reads.

Donnie cringed in disgust. Seriously? Operation: Flush? Can he think of an even more lame name to give?

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