The "perfect" rich girl

Start from the beginning

I gave him my bag and got in the car and he closed the door,

After putting my bag in the trunk he got in the driver's seat and started driving to my house,


After we arrived at my house, the driver got out of the driver's seat and opened the door for me,

I got out and closed the door behind me,

He gave me my bag and we started walking towards the doors,

The driver knocked on the doors and a maid answered,

"Welcome back miss" she said with a smile,

"Thank you" I replied so I won't come off as rude,

I took my phone from my bag and put the bag at the table at the entrance,

I took my shoes off and started making my way to my room,

Maids and butlers greeted me on my way to my room and I replied with a nod,

I made it to my room and opened the door and closed it behind me making sure to lock it,

I started walking to my bed seeing that new clothes were placed there so I went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, got out and got dressed,

I hear a knock at my door,

"Dinner is ready!" A maid yelled,

I got up and opened the door seeing the maid went back to what she was doing,

I closed the door behind me and started making my way to the dining room,

I greeted the butlers and maids that I saw on my way to the dining room,

When I finally arrived I didn't see my mother fortunately so I sat down and saw what the chef cooked for us today,

It was lasagna, I didn't complain cause it was actually good when I took a bite out of it,

I finished my plate and still didn't see my mother which I was both happy and suspicious about,

I asked a butler to get me more lasagna,

My mother finally came when my lasagna arrived,

She just sat down and started eating and didn't make much conversation which I was happy about,

After I finished I got up and went to wash my hands,

My mother already got up and left before me like always,

I washed my hands and went to my room to watch the series that I'm obsessed with,

I saw a maid unoccupied so I asked her if she could bring snacks to my room,

She said of course and went off to the kitchen,

I went to my bedroom immediately and sat on the bed waiting for the snacks to arrive,

After some time the maid comes in with a tray full of snacks,

She puts them on my drawer and grabbed a small table, she then went to grab the tray and put them on the table,

"Thank you" I said with a stoic face,

"No problem" answered the maid with a small smile,

She got out of my room and closed the door behind her,

I started the episode I left on and ate some of the snacks,


It was late so I turned the T.V off and went to the bathroom,

I did my business there and brushed my teeth etc.

I called a maid from outside and asked her to come,

"Can you bring the tray back to the kitchen and get me my PJs?"I asked quietly pointing at the tray on the table,

She nodded and went into my room,

She picked out my PJs, took the tray and closed the door behind her,

I went and locked the door and started changing,

After I finished I unlocked my door and went into my bed removing crumbs that landed on my bed into the trash can,

I got up, washed my hands again and went to bed,

'Tomorrow will probably be the same as today' I thought while drifting to sleep.

To be continued

(A/N: Sorry it took so long to post a chapter 😗)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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