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I find names to be quite odd.

A name could have a meaning, but it could also not.

It could inspire hope, bring despair, make people happy, make them sad, and cause many other such emotions.

But, I wonder: is it because the name itself has a meaning? Or is it because whoever wields it gives that name a meaning?


The unnamed god kept walking through the desert, as he always has.

It has been some time since his fight with Inanna, at least by mortal standards. To him, it might have happened very recently. He did not hear of or from her afterwards, but he believed that she simply decided to leave him alone.

Though, something has been on his mind recently. He noticed a great lack of humans in the desert. He would not have paid much attention to that detail, but the fact was that there was no sign of humans for miles and miles around.

Part of him wanted to believe that humans finally learned their lesson and decided to stay away from this dangerous - to mortals - part of the desert. But, another part was still doubtful for the possibility of another reason.

Looking upwards, he looked up at the realm beyond. He saw 'them' again, watching. They looked agitated, like they always do, but they didn't appear to have moved from the last time he saw them, so he dismissed the possibility of them doing anything.

So, it was most likely that the humans decided to avoid this area of their own free own will, or something of this realm made them stop appearing in this area.

The unnamed god thought that he should visit a human village sooner or later in order to see what the cause was. He did not have any particular affection for humans, but he did find them interesting, and he knew that they were a major part of a God's existence. As such, he felt a sense of duty to at least make sure they were alright.

His thoughts were cut short when caught sight of something large moving slowly in the distance with something dragging it forward, which he believed to be either horses or camels.

If he remembered correctly, then whatever was getting closer to him was coming from the direction of Uruk, which caused him to think it might be merchants returning home after leaving the city or being kicked out by King Gilgamesh.

However, when the unnamed god got closer, those thoughts were thrown away as he finally got to see what actually was moving in the desert.

It was a very large carriage being moved forward by several horses, all of which were being ridden by armour soldiers. On the carriage was a large, golden Throne with a sheet being hung by poles around it, shielding it from the sun.

What truly drew his attention however was the person sitting on the Throne. On the Throne was a young man wearing armoured trousers and nothing else. His bare chest showed several red lines. He had golden hair and red eyes that looked down on everything as he crossed his arms.

The horses and the entire carriage stopped moving when they reached him, so he did the same and looked up to the young man on the throne. Whoever the young man was, he was reeking of arrogance and superiority.

"Ah, at last. I was getting agitated with having to look for you," the young man on the throne said, figuratively and literally looking down on the unnamed god.

"You were looking for me?" The unnamed god asked with a raised eyebrow. This was the second time someone came to search for him.

"Careful with your tone, mongrel, you are speaking to royalty," the young man on the throne commented before smirking. "But, I suppose you don't know who you're actually speaking to, considering that I heard you spend all your time wandering the desert," this made the unnamed god curious, as the young man was obviously well informed. "I am Gilgamesh, King of Uruk and King of Heroes, owner of all the treasures of this world."

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