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Such beings are looked up by others, worshipped, or even feared.

Sometimes, it is all of that combined.

But in the end, what do gods really mean to this world?


First, there was nothing.

The endless nothingness of the void. The rejection of all creation. An absolutely empty space of blackness where no life can ever be found.

Then, the conscious began forming. A mind was being made. It was becoming more and more aware. Then a body began forming. A silhouette in the endless darkness started to take shape into that of a human form.

A pair of eyes opened on the head. The irises were absolutely pitch black like the surrounding darkness while the pupils glowed an unnaturally silver color. The eyes were not looking anywhere in particular because the mind was still forming.

After some time, the body became more clear. The shape of a man became more and more clear until eventually, the body was entirely complete and the mind was developed.

Suddenly, the surrounding blackness vanished, and the body found itself in the middle of the desert, where it fell to its knees and started panting, drawing breath for the first time.

What now appeared in the desert was a naked young man in his prime. Long, pitch-black hair fell to the ground beneath. The man was breathing heavily, taking in the fact he was just born and processing all the knowledge that filled his head.

The man raised his upper body and looked upwards. However, his eyes were not looking at the blue skies or the heavens above. He was looking at the realm beyond, where unimaginable beings lie.

Beings of eyes, tentacles, and teeth, all of which reside in the nothingness beyond this world. The nothingness he was born from. Watching and waiting for them to arrive.

Taking a deep breath. The young man put his hands on the ground and slowly stood up. He was still processing most of the knowledge he gained upon being born. There were simply too many things to think of.

From both this world and the one beyond.

Looking around, the man was confused. He was born in the middle of nowhere. No life was around him. He was simply in the middle of an empty desert without anything but sands in sight.

He was truly confused. From the knowledge he has, most gods are born with a purpose or people to rule over. At least, there should have been something to find that would help him find either of those, yet there was nothing.

Knowing that standing still in the desert without even clothes to wear will achieve nothing, he decided to begin moving. With a flick of his wrist, a cloak appeared around his body, covering him entirely and a hood to protect his head from the sun's rays.

He began walking. He did not find his purpose upon birth as most gods should, so he should find it himself by looking. He had no actual destination in sight. He simply knew that he needed to keep moving.


That was hundreds, if not thousands of years ago.

Gods are not born like humans.

Gods are born with a purpose, while humans need to find their own or build it with their own hands.

Yet, I was different.

For as long as I wondered, neither of those options presented themselves to me.

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