Registration Form For Participants

323 20 138

Action/Adventure (3/10)
Mystery/Thriller (10/10) [FULL]
Fantasy/Sci-fi (3/10)
Fanfiction (8/10)
General Fiction (2/10)
Teen Fiction (5/10)
Romance (3/10)
Horror/Paranormal (5/10)

Make sure there are available slots in the genre(s) you wish to enter your book in before filling up the form.

Once again, remember to follow us and give the awards a shout-out before proceeding, we will be checking.

Registration Form
Username (with @):
Book Title:
Link to Book:
Status (Ongoing/Completed):
Number of Chapters (incl. Prologue and Epilogue):
Mature (Yes/No):
LGBTQ+ (Yes/No):
Given a shout-out with the link?:
Tags (Tag 8 people!):

Fill in the form here via inline comments only >>>

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