Lumine x Ayaka x Reader - Entranced

Beginne am Anfang

Even before the dance in the forest, both Y/N and I had an interest in Kamisato Ayaka when we first met her at the Kamisato Estate. That interest grew as the time passed, till we were at the Komore Teahouse, quietly chatting at the bar stools near the entrance after a hearty meal with Tohma and Ayaka.




"So.. Kamisato Ayaka... She seems pretty." I muttered, playing with Lumine's locks as she hums in agreement, looking at me and smiling.

"What would you think of having another lover?" She blurted out after a minute of silence.

"Eh?" I looked up at her "You mean- an affair?"

"No, silly! I mean a 3p, a three-way relationship where anyone loves everyone in a special way" She lightly pinched my cheeks and giggled. I whined in response, pulling Lumine's hands away from my cheeks and interlocking them with mine

"Well... If it makes you, me, and her happy, I'd be willing to love you both to death!"

"Pfft- 'her'?"

"Ah- eh- I said her?- N-never mind that!" I held Lumine's hand and stood up, looking back and raising my voice loud enough for Ayaka to hear

"We'll be going Ayaka, Take care!"

Scene transition brought to you by Paimon giving Taroumarou treats

"Hmm, where do we go from here...? What's the plan?" Paimon wondered as we exited the teahouse, not having a single clue on what to do next.

"Travelers, Paimon. Hold on." We heard that familiar gentle voice behind us, accompanied by the sound of rushed footsteps. "Huh, Ayaka?" Paimon looked back. "What's the matter?" Lumine perked up from the sudden confrontation

"Something has come up, and I would like to request your assistance."

She continued "But you ought not be nervous. This is not coming from the Yashiro Commission or the Kamisato Clan. It is my own individual request."




We were walking up the path in Chinju Forest after Ayaka's dance. We were praising her for how stunning she was. Lumine and I smiled at each other, Paimon caught up with it and quieted down a little, smugly waiting at the sidelines.

"Before you go, we have a question to ask," I muttered loud enough for Ayaka to hear while Lumine caressed my hand, continuing where I had left off.

"Would you still be free this week? We enjoyed spending time with you today, and we were wondering if you would like to meet again sometime soon."

"I am available the day after. Did you have something in mind we could do?"

Ayaka listened intensely, being careful not to miss any single detail. "Lumine and I were wondering if we could all cook together at our place. You said a while back that you wanted to try and master food from all over the world and well... We have a handful of recipes we'd like to try with you.." I fidgeted and nervously looked up to her, both of us waiting expectantly for an answer.

"I.. Uhm... I would love to..." Ayaka flushed a bright red, mumbling to herself. "This is the first time I've been invited so casually at someone else's place.."

Lumine smiled brightly and I flashed a grin, in contrast to our behavior a minute ago. "Y/N will pick you up at the Kamisato Estate, see you there!" We waved at each other before parting ways. Lumine nuzzled onto my shoulder humming the tune Ayaka had sung whilst Paimon was talking about what foods both of you planned to make.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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