Amber x Reader - First Flight

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Amber teaching Y/N to use a wildglider:

- As the Windgliding Champion of Mondstadt, she would feel giddy and excited to help you use a Windglider, helping you study the manual and read to you the story of the first birds of flight. That story inspired her to windglide, and will hope that you'll feel the same too.

- If you are afraid of heights, she will understand, and hold your hands firmly. "I know this is something tough for you to face, but I will promise to stay by your side every step of the way. Even if you do back out from windgliding, That won't ever change the fact that I love you so dearly Y/N."

- If you do end up continuing the training, she will enable safety protocols wether you're afraid or not; Training you in an open and controlled area, carrying windcatchers and inviting the Traveller to supervise from time to time. It's her duty as a Knight of Favonius and your girlfriend to keep you out of trouble at all costs.

- Amber is known to be determined and strong willed so she will take her time helping you train no matter how long it takes, both of you knowing that it will pay off. "You did great today! You shouldn't be gliding on an empty stomach. Let's take a break at Good Hunter for lunch, my treat~"

- She will be proud of you and kiss you happily on the spot if you passed the test, asking Jean for a day off to give you all the love and attention you deserve after that hard work

- She might even tease and wink that you might beat her in a windgliding competiton someday, but wouldn't let her spot get taken that easily

- Now with you being able to participate, windgliding competitions won't be as easy and boring anymore with much more challenging rivals

- When she participates in a windgliding event, she will sneak a wink and a pose for you as she dominates the competition again (You better have had your Kamera ready for that, it's a once-in-every-competition moment)

- When you're participating, she would be that typical enthusiastic girlfriend, cheering on the sidelines with baron bunny and your friends "WOOOOO, That's my Y/N!" "Keep it up love!" "I'm so proud of you!!"

- After the event, Amber will take you on a date and tell you how great you were with your windgliding skills; Whilst she would be subtly shy whenever you compliment her on her gliding skills, even showing the portrait you took of her when she posed at you


- With you learning a new skill, it's safe to say that Amber will take you to windgliding dates. She definitely thinks that it'll be a wonderful experience gliding and taking up the scenery with you by her side.

- Needless to say, you just got out of windgliding training and would rather play safe for the start, taking you to Windrise or Starsnatch cliff. She would take you up high on windcurrents and enjoy the breeze, soon taking you down to her destination where the food is, sitting and talking to you for hours.

- She promises that once she knows you're ready, she will take you to the highest of places and glide with you; From the pristine white terrain of Dragonspine to the highest mountains of Jueyun Karst

Gayshin Impact - Headcannons and OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora