Ningguang x Beidou - Denial

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Kind of a Drabble, Angst

I strutted past the walls of the Jade Chamber, caressing every surface that I've already laid my hand upon countless times.

Some days, I find myself to be thinking of Beidou. It's so baffling how she can be so casual to everyone, even to someone of my status.

I can't understand why someone of my polar opposite would be that interested and invested with me, from chess sessions to gifts around Teyvat. But has she ever been into me that way at the first place? Moreover, has she ever even had me in her mind in moments like these too?

I've always wondered what it would be like to have something with Beidou, a feild full of flowers, equalling petals of possibilities and moments I could have with her, nothing like reputation and work holding us back.

But.. It's all nothing but nonsense. Tianquans has naught a shred of time to be thinking of something other than the city. A relationship separated by the land and sea is nothing but straining unless one has to abandon their lifestyle for the other, or they miraculously make it work.

I come back to my office and sit on my chair, sighing as i gaze at a photo of Beidou hidden on one of the few books piled on top of my desk. I then fold it and place it back on it's respective book and continue to work. I wonder when she'll visit again.


ong I made this like around 3am as a half-week chapter but forgot to publish it

also yes I clearly have no sense of time ,,,

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