Chapter 15

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July. Aethelflaed had been back in Oxenford for a month and she was glad. She hated to travel in the heat. At home in her estate, she could spend the hottest hours of the day in her cool, dark chambers, supervising Aelfwynn while the baby explored the dangerous, exciting world of walking. But this would be Aethelflaed's last lazy afternoon. Edward had arrived this morning and soon the Witan would begin. She would have little time with Aelfwynn, and though she trusted her daughter to Marta's capable care, she could already feel the ache of missing her daughter.

She would dine with Edward tonight, in her home. She hoped it was fine enough for him; his tastes had changed since he had become king. He had changed. She remembered him as a sweet, often mischievous child, a good brother. But there was something pale and dark about him now, like he was a shadow of his former self. Was he trying to recreate their father's illness? Was this just how any King of Wessex looked, always tired, always worn? She worried for him, but she could tell he did not want her concern or her attention. The boy who had followed her through the palace hallways, pestering her for treats and stories and games, had become a man who showed her no affection. Aethelflaed thought she should try harder to reach him, scratch away at this shadowy armour he seemed to have donned, but she was tired, too. She needed all her energy for Aelfwynn and for the days ahead.

She heard a gentle knock at the door and sat up to see Wulfric entering the room. She smiled at him but did not stand. He did not require her to be dignified.

"Where is Marta, lady?"

"She is at the market."


Aethelflaed nodded. "I think she's got a sweetheart."

"Should I find out for you, lady?"

"Wulfric," she scolded, "Marta deserves her privacy just as much as you do, doesn't she? Or do you plan on bringing your carpenter around to meet us?"

He blushed. Her captain blushed. It made her happy to see him like that, a little lighthearted, more open. "I suppose she can have her secrets." He sat down on the chair in the corner, stretching out his leg. He pulled some faces for Aelfwynn, who giggled enthusiastically. "Speaking of which..."

"Speaking of what?"

"Secrets. I hear that Erik Thurgilson has arrived, lady."

"That old secret. Have you spoken to him?"

"Not yet, but I know where he is. Should I bring him to you? Or is he to stay somewhere else?"

Aethelflaed considered it. She had invited him as her guest, but now that seemed a foolish, risky thing. The king would be in her hall tonight.

"Did he travel alone?"

Wulfric frowned. "He did, lady. I pointed out the dangers of this, but he insisted it worked out well in the past."

Aethelflaed smile. "Can you have him put up in an inn? At least tonight. Somewhere safe, though. Perhaps you should stay with him."

Wulfric shook his head. "I won't be leaving your side, lady, not with all these men about."

"Fine. But I want Erik to be safe."

"I'll find him a room with Uhtred and his men."

She smiled. "Yes. Excellent idea, Wulfric. And tell him...tell him to come see me tomorrow."

"Of course, lady. Anything else?"

"Don't forget to kiss Aelfwynn on your way out."

Wulfric crouched down. He looked a little pained at the way his leg bent, but he smiled when Aelfwynn grabbed hold of his arm, her tiny fingers small across his wrist. "Good afternoon, pet. I'll be seeing you this evening, yes?"

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