Chapter 7

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It was early evening when Coccham appeared on the horizon, though the long summer day kept the sky bright and warm. They had travelled slowly, taking any excuse to stop and drink in each other's company. But soon it would be nightfall and they needed to make it safely to Uhtred's hall. First, however, they had to ensure that Aethelred or his men hadn't beaten them there.

Aethelflaed sheltered in the trees with her horse while Erik travelled ahead. Of course, Coccham was well-guarded, and it wasn't long before he was spotted by one of Uhtred's warriors. Erik dismounted and held up his hands, making it clear he was not looking for a fight, and approached the man slowly. He grinned broadly when he recognized the guard.

"Wulfric! Just the Saxon I hoped to find."

Wulfric looked less enthusiastic; it had been a long time since the men had become friendly on the road to Beomfleet, and even then Wulfric had been cautious, always putting his lady's safety above all else. Still, he held no ill will to Erik, who had been an unexpectedly ideal prisoner, and he returned the Northman's smile.

"Have you come to see my Lord Uhtred?"

"Yes, but I want to be clear on what I'm walking into. Does the Lord have any other visitors?"

Wulfric eyed Erik but didn't respond. He wasn't in the habit of giving away information.

"Alright, I see," Erik continued, recognizing Wulfric's wariness, "Let me ask again: has Lord Uhtred received any word from Lord Aethelred lately? Any of the Mercian guard come to call?"

A look of disdain crossed Wulfric's face when he heard the Lord of Mercia's name. He shook his head. "No. From what I hear, Lord Uhtred speaks to his cousin as seldom as possible."

"And the Lady Aethelflaed?"

Another shake of the head. "The Lady of Mercia hasn't visited Coccham since before I came here, six moons or so ago."

"Good, she'll be pleased to see you, then."

Wulfric looked puzzled, but Erik did not pause to explain, mounting his horse and taking off at a gallop, back to where Aethelflaed waited.

When the pair returned to Coccham's gate, Uhtred was waiting, sent for by a confused and concerned Wulfric. Uhtred greeted the riders warmly, quickly concealing his surprise that they arrived together, with no warning or entourage. They were brought inside the walls and led to the hall, where Gisela welcomed them. She took charge of Aethelflaed, fussing over her belly and offering food, drink and fresh water. Uhtred insisted that Erik help him with the horses, though there were men enough to do the job. When they were alone in the stable, Uhtred spoke.

"I think you have a story to tell me, Erik Thurgilson."

Erik carefully brushed his horse, not letting himself be intimidated by Uhtred's direct stare. "Lady Aethelflaed needed help. She came to find me. We agreed it would be best if I brought her here."

Uhtred huffed in frustration at the brevity of Erik's response. "And why would Lady Aethelflaed, King Alfred's daughter, come to you for help?"

Erik shrugged. "When she traded me at Beomfleet, I offered her my support, if ever she should need it."


"She was a merciful captor. I wanted to repay the kindness." Erik had chosen the strategy of sparse but honest answers, and he could see it irritated Uhtred.

"So that's all there is to it. A year ago, a woman was kind to you. A year later, she sought your help. And now you both arrive at my door."

"You're just as smart as they say, Uhtred Ragnarson."

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