Chapter 3

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The days were getting shorter and with colder winds. Winter was just beginning when we found a place to dock the Onyx Falcon in Awynia's harbor. The skyship descended into the sea; the hot-air balloon was stretched into a sail over the mainmast above the control cabin. We had a special spot in Awynia; the crew used to come here long before they took me in. They had deals with the owners of the best taverns sailors went to.

That was how Rowdy met Ellie and the reason why we stayed in Awynia for over the three months of winter. She was the daughter of a tavern owner.

But as time passed, and the season ended, so did our money and our time here. In fairness, we only spent that long in the same place because Ellie's dad helped us. Not for nothing, though. We did everything, from helping out with the customers, cleaning, and even picking up ingredients in the street for them. However, we were careful not to do everything together. Doc didn't want to tempt fate with any chances against us. We were a small crew, but we were known everywhere, though the people —among enemy pirate crews and the guards of every country— who were after us didn't know what we looked like. Doc wanted it to stay this way.

On my last free day in Awynia, I decided to stroll around the city, taking a tram to the center. In ten years, it hadn't changed much, though I had the feeling there were a few more auto-carriages than before. The sidewalks were busy, as always, full of shops with colored tents at the entrance.

There were still spots of wet, half-melted snow scattered across the ground. My boots clicked on the stone path; the sweet smell of fresh-baked bread drew me into a bakery. My stomach growled. I'd wanted to taste the fresh ones for so long when I was a street kid.

The baker behind the counter asked me what I wanted. I don't think he recognized me—after all, the last time I was here, I was just a begging kid who came in once in a while. I didn't blame him, though. He was usually nice and had tried to help me the way he could without stepping into my problems. Behind the glass, he had displayed dozens of options. Different kinds of cakes, bread, and pies.

"I'd like a sandwich with whatever is smelling so good," I said. He started working right away with the ingredients I pointed at. "And something sweet, too."

"Our best dessert is our apple pie. It comes straight from the best apple provider in the land."

I gulped. "No, not that. Something smaller?" I looked around the other wall, with tons of sweets displayed. He finished my cheese sandwich and wrapped it in a paper napkin before putting it into a paper bag. "Caramel."

"Certainly! How many?"


He smiled, grabbing the caramels. "Big family?"

"You could say that."

He slipped eight treats in another paper bag and handed it all to me. I paid and left the shop. As I exited, I shivered under the cold breeze and pulled my red cape tighter around my body. Walking down the same path I had run from Joy and Dummy when we met, I made a turn, bumping into a couple of men. I let my paper bags fall and so did they. The three of us ducked to pick up our things.

I glanced up at them as we collected our bags. They were wearing red coats I knew all too well, with a symbol of a black bird snatching a snow-white rose in its beak. My eyes widened for a second at the opportunity. Mumbling apologies, we stood up, and they continued walking.

I followed them at a distance, listening, into their conversation.

"She wants more security," the one who seemed to be in charge told the other. "The apple shipment is ready; we'll bring it just in time for when the skyship arrives tomorrow."

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