Chapter 2 A New Home And a Laser Light Cannon

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Inside the crystal temple, the crystal gems and the maverick hunters went inside. They spent the last 2 hours explaining everything that had happened, namely the maverick hunters' appearance in beach city, and what the centipedes were...

"So, you guys mean to tell us you're from the future?" Asked lapis in awe

"it's a possibility, but I can't see the direct future they are all from..." said garnet adjusting her visor "perhaps...a different future?..."

"That could be possible," said X "we're not in Abel city, though..."

"if anything, we might be an...alternate timeline?" Wondered Zero as he had his hand on his chin in thought

"I think that might be it," thought axl

"Wait, an alternate timeline?" Asked steven

"yes, why do you ask?" Said zero as he turned his attention to steven

"I think I know what might have brought you guys here!" Said steven

"ya do?" Asked spinel, "what was it?"

"the thing!" Said Steven as he took out the hourglass orb out of his pockets "you pulled them out of time, didn't you!"

"steven!" Cried pearl, "you mean the hourglass pulled these 'reploid' humans here?"

"It could be possible," theorized garnet, "it is capable of transcending time."

"transcend time?" Asked zero concerned, "is that really what brought us here?"

"it could be zero." Said X, "but listen, Steven, if what you say is true, then could you please use that orb to help us get back home?"

"I would but did you guys just get here?" Asked Steven, "at least take the time to know people around here and get settled in"

"But, we don't belong here..." said X

"Neither do we," lapis stepped in, "and yet we still fought for this planet and made it our home."

"Whoa! Really?" Asked axl

"it's kinda a long story..." said spinel

"we'll when we got the time, we can all sit down and hear it," said zero "for now, we may need to rest for a while since we're not going anywhere anytime soon."

"I agree with zero," said iris "we'll need to learn more about our surroundings."

"Oh! Oh! You could settle in with my dad and me for the time being until we decide where you guys could stay, miss!" Said steven

"we would appreciate that," smiled iris "oh, and my name is iris."

"you're very welcome, iris," said Steven "beautiful name, by the way."

"*giggles* thank you, Mr steven," smiled iris.

"We would appreciate your hospitality, too, steven" nodded X

"that's great!" said steven "let's go see dad!"

"see you soon!" waved X as he and his friends and steven exited the temple.

The young gem hybrid led the maverick hunters to his father's garage near the "it's a wash" station. X and the others also meant to inform Greg Universe of his son's safety.

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