Yorozuya and Shinsengumi x Reader: Water Fight

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Kagura formed a stirrup with her hands, and (F/N) stepped into it, letting the yato girl lift her high enough to reach the shelf. Meanwhile, Gin sat at the coffee table, calmly slurping his strawberry milk with a newspaper in his hand.

"What're you up to this time?" he asked in a bored voice. "I swear, kids these days have so much energy..."

"I think it's nice they find so many ways to have fun," Shinpachi said, peacefully sweeping in the corner. "Isn't that right, (F/N)-chan?"

"Don't scoff at us! This is an emergency situation!" (F/N) gritted her teeth. Then her hand met plastic, and she grinned. "I got it! Oh, shit. Are those footsteps on the stairs? Kagura, quick—barricade the door!"

"On it!"

Kagura dropped her to the floor, already hurrying to pick up Gin's desk. (F/N) hit the ground hard, taking a moment to get her bearings before scrambling to her feet, and hurrying to the bathroom.

"Kagura-chan, (F/N)-chan," Gin said, looking up from his newspaper, "why does my door need to be barricaded?"

"It's fine!" (F/N) shouted from the bathroom. "Everything's under control!"

"Are you sure about that—woah!"

Gin let out a shout as Kagura lifted the couch into the air. Meanwhile, someone was banging on the front door.

"China!" came an angry voice. "I'll get you for this!"

"Oh no you won't!" Kagura set the couch in front of the door, and Gin scrambled off. "Now go away, filthy tax robber! You're stinking up the place."

"Kagura-chan," Gin said, "what did you do to Souichiro?"

"Oh, that? I just dropped a hundred water balloons on his head."

That's when the door broke, and a drenched Okita burst in.

The whole apartment went still. (F/N) peeked out the bathroom door, watching as Okita stepped inside, a bag in his hands.

"Hello there, China," he said, a sadistic grin on his face. "I'm here for my revenge."

"Oi!" Gin snapped. "What're you doing to my apartment? The old hag's gonna kill me!"

"Tough luck, Danna."

"Yeah, tough luck, Gin-chan. Now stand still while I punch you in the face!"

Kagura leapt forward, but Okita blocked, that grin still on his face.

"Now, now," he said, "Don't you want to see what's in the bag?"

"No, I don't, you big—"

Kagura's voice cut off as Okita lowered his hand, revealing the contents of the bag.

Fifty-something water balloons, all filled and ready to go.

Kagura's eyes went wide. Gin stumbled back, a look of horror on his face, and (F/N) returned to the sink, rushing to finish her work before it was too late.

"Now, now," Shinpachi said, stepping into the foyer. "I know there are some hard feelings, but let's not—"

Okita threw the first balloon. Kagura dodged, and dashed through the hall, screaming at the top of her lungs.



(F/N) leapt out of the bathroom, one water pistol in each hand. She took aim, and landed one clean hit on the back of Okita's head. He spun around, and she drew her arm back, hurling the second pistol across the room.

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