"I just... had to clear my head."

"Well," Johnny edged on, "is it clear now?"

With a deep breath, you grinned at the boy in front of you. Confidence surged within your chest, fueling your next words.

A few more hours of talking with Johnny came and went faster then you could've imagined. When you were with him, your conversations felt more real. He was the only other person who's eyes you could look into, and see yourself. You both shared common struggles, which made for a great conversation.

Just not a conversation you should have without mental preparation.

When the talking became less practical joking and more meaningful, you started to put your walls up again. You had done enough self reflection tonight.

But Johnny was persistent.

"Hey..." his words suddenly drifted, "there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

He fidgeted with his hands. You sensed his nervousness rising, and it ricocheted onto you. Trying to keep your cool, you acted unfazed.

"So talk."

His eyes traveled from his hands and up to your eyes. You could've sworn that for a moment, they flickered to your lips.

His voice was quiet. The fear he had built up within his mind was starting to show even more. Eyes that were raging with a storm, bore into yours painfully. The audible shaking of his breath was enough to make your pulse race with anxiety.

"Can we go take a walk?"
The two of you stepped out into the crisp California night air and walked all the way to the beach. A comfortable silence hung in the air. You felt as though just being with him, knowing he was safe by your side, was enough.

The waves crashed and swirled on the sand next to your feet as you made your way along the shoreline. You inhaled, the air smelling sweetly and faintly of home.

"I used to go down to the beach all the time in Greece." You said suddenly.

You didn't have to look at Johnny to know he was smiling. "Do you miss it? Living in Greece?"

There it was. The dreaded question. You were afraid if you answered it, the floodgate would open. The truth was, you missed home so much. In fact, you had so desperately wanted to go back that you pushed the thought of it away completely.

"Yeah." You let out a shaky breath, "more then you could ever imagine."

Next to you, Johnny sighed. "But you like it here too right?"

You took a moment to think over his words. Truthfully, California had grown on you. Although it wasn't your home just yet, it was your family's home. This was where your grandparents lived.

It was where your parents met.

"I do."

The waves crashed onto the shore again, drowning out the sound of your thoughts. Since you didn't have your Walkman on you at the moment, the surrounding waves acted as music notes. They kept you steady and blurred out the sound of your racing thoughts.

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