Not Yet Unworthy

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So... After all that time working, pondering about life and such... You've figured out you're stuck?!

That's... An oversimplification of events, but... Yes. That's exactly what happened.

 I hate you.

Took you long enough to realize that.

Where does it go?

I don't know.

It does want to get out, I realise that, but come on you two! You can just let go! Right? This is nothing!

That's where you're wrong.

It means everything; the world, even. It is certainly not unlike anything we all have seen or heard of before.

What's it called then?

I would not know.


If none of us know then...

Who does?

Who knows how this feeling is called?

Who know what to do in a situation like this?

Where time itself simply does not matter, whereas matter itself does.

The longing for something as simple as one hug.

One embrace.

To close off a chapter never to be written.

Whilst starting another, full of new adventures.

Ugh... This motivational speech thing is making my heart ache somehow...

Hush. It is okay.

You're... He... Is he breaking down?

Yes. And fast. We need to act fast.

What do I do?

Go. Get help.

But where?

From beyond. Reach beyond what you know and what you have known so far. Look behind the unknown. Search for clarity, but foremost;

Look for love, wanting to release but never given the chance to.

Give it purpose.

So. Finding purpose, now?

Yes. Find our purpose.

Once again.

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