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If there's one thing I cannot understand fully; it's the longing for care.

Craving love.


Isn't what has already been established enough?

Why must it be more intimate?

Why must I have someone on my side who is closer than anyone else?

The dreams once cherished have turned into painful reminders of what will never be.

But why the persistence?

No matter what happens, my feelings remain where they are.

Only now, they have no where to go.

The only hope I have is me.

All I can do is keep being myself.

And figure out what this mess that is myself really has to offer.

But nothing takes away the hurt.

I've never had anything hurt as much as this.

I thought I could cope.

And I can, but slowly.

It feels like I've been shot and stabbed.

All my hopes and dreams thrown away just like that.

But does that mean it's the end?


Because no matter how darn much this hurts I can't give up.

The love is too strong to do that.

Even if it's unrequited.

And whether I'll break down or not soon, we'll have to see.

But I'm not leaving you behind, even though that helps healing me.

I simply can't; I care too much.

I wonder if that's what will destroy me.

It seems to be happening right now.

Let's see how little of me shall remain.

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