34. "Escape"

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I thought maybe I had run out of chances to come back to life, until I did. I woke up to Alexander saying my name over and over again as he shook my shoulder. He looked agitated and I could see the urgency in his eyes. When I opened my eyes the light in that room nearly blinded me, and it was hard to breathe and to move around. I sat up on the floor. Alexander moved his hand up and down my back to help me regulate my breath. A minute later I could finally speak.

"What happened?" I asked, unsure of what I was really asking. Something was different, but I wasn't really sure what it was.

"You scared me." Alexander said after a sigh.

"How long was I out?" I asked. I had no way of measuring time while I was unconscious, but I was afraid it had been longer than a couple of minutes. Alexander helped me get up and didn't let go of my waist once he did, making sure I would fall. After he realized I could stand by myself, he let go.

"Around four hours." he said. He sounded a little worried, and I knew why. The cameras were going to turn back on any minute, and we had little time to do whatever else we wanted to do. I took a deep breath. "The cameras will turn on any minute now." he said, thinking the same I was thinking. I nodded, and then I looked around. We had to think about our next step, and we had to do it fast.

"It worked." the first thing I thought was important was telling Alexander that Merissa had received the message and that Sybil was going to help us, probably.

"Are you sure?" Alexander asked. I frowned. He was doubting my abilities, the ones he had so adamantly stood up for.

"What happened to you're the most powerful creature and all that?" I asked. Alexander rolled his eyes.

"How can you be sure that it worked?" he asked. He was having second thoughts, which was understandable. It couldn't be easy for him to leave the future of the world in hands of a mortal.

"I'm sure. I saw her, and I made sure she heard me. I told her everything and I gave her all the instructions we agreed on. She understood everything and she told me she would do what I said. I'm as sure that it worked as I possibly can." I said. Alexander nodded. He was nervous, and so was I. "Now what?" I asked.

"I've been thinking about it, and I concluded that what Dennis did yesterday was to proof that his humanity was actually off, and I suspect that he'll ask me to do something similar today to do the same." he said. I hadn't even had time to process what had happened the day before.

Dennis had almost forced me and Alexander to have sex in front of him. Dennis, the vampire I fell helplessly in love with despite how much I tried not to. He had almost completely shattered the image I had of him by forcing Alexander to rape me, and I hadn't fully process it yet. I wanted to forget about it, but I also knew that that was impossible without fully dealing with it, and there would be plenty of time for that later. I instead decided to focus on what mattered now, which was to kill Darko and get out of here.

"Which means we don't have much time." Alexander said, spelling it out for me. He had taken my distraction as a sign that I didn't understand what he was saying, but I did. I just didn't know what to do. I nodded.

"We have to kill Darko." I said. Alexander looked at me like what I had just said was completely obvious. "I have to kill Darko." I corrected myself. Alexander frowned.

"Do you want to stay dead this time?" he asked ironically.

"I can do it." I said. Alexander shook his head.

"Stella, I don't think you understand what happens to you when you channel too much magic." he said. I obviously didn't know exactly what happened when I channeled too much magic because I always passed out. "You die." he said. I laughed softly, assuming he was making a joke. "I'm not kidding." he said. I frowned.

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