Chapter Eight: Zöe's Tale

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What Thalia's wearing is her new rebel outfit. What Reyna's wearing is what she wore in the chapter that you are about to read. But only the clothes, not the hair.
I only own the plot.
(Three Years Earlier)
Thalia slung her bow over her back and raced after the other huntresses. When her father told her she could join the huntresses she had been elated. That was two years ago. Thalia crept up behind Bianca and Zöe and let out a "Boo!". Zöe cursed and leaped to the side while Bianca stiffened up in fright. Thalia fell over laughing.
"Jeez, Thalia" Zöe scolded. "Have you ever been taught not to sneak up on an armed huntress".
Thalia chuckled. "Oh Nightshade, you forget the most important part. I am an armed huntress. And one of Lady Artemis's very best. If I wasn't the Princess I'd be protecting the King already".
Zöe rolled her eyes and Bianca giggled. "Your funny Thalia, you know that right?" Bianca asked. Thalia shrugged.
Zöe elbowed the two of them and nodded towards the castle. Two noblemen were walking through the door, one with blonde hair and a scar and the other with black hair and an eyepatch. Behind them a servant girl carried a picnic basket.
Zöe grunted. "They should carry the food themselves, we don't make the butlers carry our food". Bianca nodded and Thalia shrugged. One of the men caught sight of the three of them and changed direction to them. As they drew closer Thalia recognized them.
Thalia sighed. "It's Luke, what does he want?".
Bianca and Zöe stiffened and shared an alarmed look. "What is he doing here?".
Thalia blinked. "That's kind of what I just asked".
Bianca and Zöe looked at the ground as Luke and Ethan came over. Luke smirked at Thalia. "To what do I owe the pleasure my Princess?".
Thalia scowled. "As you know very well Luke, as long as I am a huntress you are not allowed to court me".
Luke shrugged. "But you won't always be a huntress. One day you will have to be a Princess again".
Thalia snorted. "You act like you can make that day come sooner". Bianca and Zöe glanced at the two of them nervously.
Luke grinned but it looked more like a sneer. "I can, Ethan". The dark haired boy drew his sword and stabbed at Zöe. She leaped aside with a yelp.
Thalia stepped in front of her friends. "Luke, what are yo doing?".
Luke scowled and drew his own sword. "Your little friends here are part of the rebellion. Your father said that as soon as I deal with the two infiltrators he'll have you removed from the Huntresses".
Thalia snorted. "First you attack my friends, then you accuse them of being spies. Please Luke, do you hear yourself. Bianca and Zöe aren't part of the rebellion".
Ethan chuckled as he tried to step around Thalia. "Then why aren't they defending themselves. They're guilty and they know it". With that Ethan and Luke lunged past Thalia.
Thalia whipped around in time to see Zöe and Bianca take off running. But Ethan and Luke were gaining. "Run!" She shouted racing after them. "Don't let them catch you!".
But Bianca stumbled and Luke had his sword to her throat in a matter of seconds. Ethan blocked Zöe and Thalia felt rage grow inside her. So what if they worked for the rebellion, so what if they had lied, they were still her friends.
With out thinking, Thalia drew her bow, knocked an arrow, and let it fly. It pierced Ethan's neck and he fell down. Luke slashed at Bianca's throat and lunged after Zöe. Thalia knocked another arrow, this time it grazed Luke's arm. With a curse Thalia dropped her now and ran after Luke. Just as he came upon Zöe she tackled him to the ground. The two of them tumbled into the bushes and Zöe climbed over the garden wall.
Luke cursed as he sat up. "She escaped because of you".
Thalia spat in his face. "And she's alive because of it".
Luke stared at her. "You must really be stupid if you still think she's innocent. She ran, Thalia. Only guilty people run".
Thalia snorted. "Then why don't you tell me how you knew she was in the rebellion. It's not trust Luke. She was like a sister to me, they both were. And now Bianca is dead. I'll never marry you".
And know we know how Bianca died, Thalia knew Zöe, and Luke betrayed the rebellion. See you soon.

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