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I made my way through the treehouse, searching for the girl's dorm. Eventually, I spotted a door with a sign that read "GIRLS: ROOM 1". Pushing open the door, I clambered onto one of the three top bunks, smiling as Yasmina, Sammy, and Brooklynn arrived. I assume they needed help finding the dorm, as well.

"I'm claiming this bed," I exclaimed quickly, remembering the whole point of our race was picking a top bunk first.

Yasmina, Sammy and Brooklynn shared a look before rushing to the two other bunks, Sammy and Yasmina making it first. Brooklyn scowled in defeat, walking over to the bed under mine and dropping herself onto it.

Looking at Brooklynn, who took out her phone again, I questioned whether I should say something about what happened with Yasmina. I climbed down from my bed and stood in front of her.

"Um... hey, Brooklynn," I said, waiting for her to glance up from her phone before continuing. "I know I shouldn't intervene, but maybe you should apologise to Yasmina... Y'know, about the recording?"

She raised her eyebrow at me. "It's not that big of a deal, Kiara. You don't get it. Yas is famous, so imagine how many views the video would get!" Brooklynn replied, placing her phone down beside her pillow.

"Well, that would be great for you, but Yasmina just looked uncomfortable, and she did say she didn't want you to record her," I said, rubbing my arm as I looked at her. Then, sighing, Brooklynn got up.

"Fine, fine. I'll apologise, but it's not that big of a deal. You're what, twelve? You'll get it when you're a bit older."

Brooklynn walked to Yasmina, who had been organising her things on the bedside tables beside her bunk. She muttered an apology, and with a Yas just nodded at her. I think that meant it was all good. Sammy bound over and engulfed the two in a surprise hug.

"And now, we are all friends!" she exclaimed brightly. Sammy was listening to everything; it's not like we were being that quiet, so it's no wonder she overheard.

She spotted me standing by mine and Brooklynn's bunk and gestured for me to join the hug, so I did. However, I was cautious to avoid contact with Brooklynn and Yasmina since they started to look weirded out. Sammy soon pulled apart the hug, clasping her hands with a beam.

"We should start unpacking the rest of our things," she said, all of us nodding agreeably.

So we returned to our bunks and unpacked our clothes and bathroom supplies into the bedside tables assigned to them, folding them away neatly. Once we finished, Yasmina began to do some stretches. Brooklynn started scrolling through her phone, and Sammy rested on her bed.

I removed my headphones and MP3 player from my back, placing the headphones around my head and connecting the wire before pressing play. The first song that started to play brought another smile to my face. I lay down on my bed, becoming so immersed in the music I lost track of all time. My bunk was suddenly shaken, and I hurriedly removed my headphones, peering down to see who it was. It was my brother, and he looked impatient.

"This is the girl's dorm, Kenj. What are you doing?" I asked, climbing down from my bunk.

Kenji rolled his eyes. "Dave sent me to tell all of you guys that we are heading out. So hurry up; everyone else is waiting!" he said, grabbing my arm and dragging me to the door.

Brooklynn scowled at him, her disapproval clear. "You didn't need to barge in here. At least knock next time. We could have been changing!" she said with a glare.

"Chill, I'm leaving. And so should you," Kenji said, raising his arms before retaking hold of my hand and pulling me along. "Sorry about him," I mouthed to the others before we arrived in the lounge.

𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 - camp cretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now