"Bien sûr, c'est heureux, la préciosité. Il avait un si joli soleil qui lui souriait."- stated Winston with a smile, ticking his small sister gently, making her giggle mellifluously. (Of course, it is happy, preciousness. It had such a cute sunshine smiling at it.) 

"Pensez-vous qu'il rededra bleu vif si je dessine une image pour cela? J'espère aussi avoir de petits nuages moelleux."- wondered my jewel, hugging her brothers cutely, struggling to do that with all of them at the same time since they are much bigger than she is, yet it doesn't bother her in the slightest . (Do you think it will turn bright blue again if I draw a picture for it? I also hope to get little fluffy clouds.)

"Absolument, la douceur."- replied Mathew and kissed the top of her pretty head. (Absolutely, sweetness.) 

That was all it took for my sweet daughter to hop off the bed and get her pencils, album for drawing and crayons. She came back and I helped her to get back on the bed before she peacefully moved onto drawing, looking so damn lovely and  pure. 

My sons and I played video game, conversing pleasantly. Just like that an hour passed by and we  had 2 more to go. 

"J'ai fini."- said contentedly Vivi, putting down a yellow pencil, and got closer to us, settling on my lap as I hugged her, kissing her forehead lightly. (I finished.)

I took the album, smiling in utmost pride and joy. The drawing is mesmerising to say the least. It is impossible to say that 4-year old drew this, let alone absolutely on her own, but she did and I am so fucking proud of my talented girl.

 It is impossible to say that 4-year old drew this, let alone absolutely on her own, but she did and I am so fucking proud of my talented girl

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"C'est le plus beau paysage que nous ayons jamais vu, ange."- stated Ares genuinely and I kissed her cheek. (It is the most beautiful landscape we have ever seen, angel.) 

"C'est très beau, mon petit papillon. Vous êtes un artiste extrêmement talentueux, mon amour."- I said from the bottom of my heart and she smiled cutely, blushing so winsomely, showing off her precious dimples. (It's very beautiful, my little butterfly. You are exceedingly talented artist, my love.) 

"Pensez-vous que le ciel l'aimera?"- asked Genevieve sincerely, melting our hearts. (Do you think the sky will like it?)

"Le ciel va adorer."- I assured her honestly, gently tucking a strand of her silky, dark blonde hair behind her ear. (The sky will love it.) 

I helped her to lightly tape the picture to the window from the inside as she informed me what my sons told her about a rainbow, being very clever and witty girl. She knows impressively a lot, including about rather complex things. I will definitely work on her gifts with her. 

Once we were sure that the sky has clear view of the drawing, we got back in bed and ordered light lunch - salad with chicken and orange fresh for us; Genevieve wanted just vegetables. It was pure entertainment to watch how my sweetheart ate: first of all, she ate all cherry tomatoes, then all lettuce, separately slices baby carrots, bell pepper and cucumber and only later on she ate the small pieces of chicken since she needs some protein too. God, it is the most wholesome thing to watch. 

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