1. Ambitious Goals

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    The training ring was a flurry of wings and steel. Estelle rolled beneath one blow and popped up behind her brother in time to land her own. She dodged again as her two cousins rounded on her. Nyx brought his sword down against Estelle's and drove her back a few paces.

    "Aren't you supposed to be on my side today?" Estelle huffed.

    "Yes, but we wanted to see how good you actually are," Nyx laughed.

    Estelle shoved him back and stepped through the shadows. She emerged on the other side of Corbin. She landed a few sharp jabs to his side and just beneath his wings. Corbin yelped as his wings fell slack against his back. Estelle swept his legs and he was down.

    "Hey, that's cheating!" Lysander called.

    "Nyx switched sides. I'd call that cheating," Estelle retorted. She swung her sword in a lazy circle. "Who's next?"

    Shadows wrapped around her bronze arms and nestled within her short black hair. They were silent for now. She usually asked them to be silent during training, so that they didn't tell her what her opponent's plans were.

    "Go on, Lys," Nyx teased, shoving Lysander towards her. "Take your sister down a few pegs."

    "Why don't you do it?" Nyx merely shrugged in reply. Lysander rolled his eyes and stalked towards Estelle.

    Estelle eyed her younger brother's movements warily. He tended to move like her, which made anticipating his actions easier, but sometimes, he threw in a few unforeseen tricks. His large black wings were curled close to his back, waiting to be flung wide. There was a glimmer of amusement in Lysander's hazel green eyes. He combed his fingers through dark brown hair, a bored expression on his face.

    "I'll go easy on you if you hurry up," Estelle chuckled.

    Lysander lunged at her and their blades locked with the singing of steel. Estelle twisted, driving her elbow into Lysander's nose. He managed to avoid the blow and she knocked him upside the head instead.

    Thinking quickly, Estelle snapped her wings out. Lysander loosed a harsh breath as he was knocked backwards. He rolled to his feet, spreading his own wings to balance himself. "You call that going easy on someone?"

    Estelle rolled her shoulders and squared off once more. "Yes." Her gaze flickered past her brother. Devlon, Windhaven's warlord, was watching them intently. Jorah, his mate, was at his side.

    Estelle cried out as Lysander tackled her to the ground. Her moment of distraction was gone and she forced herself to roll, dragging Lysander along with her. Estelle gave a thrust of her wings and bolted off her brother.

    She recovered her sword, Aesira, and stamped a foot against Lysander's chest, pushing him to the ground. She pointed Aesira at his neck, snagging his necklace with it. Lysander dropped his head with a sigh. Estelle withdrew Aesira, letting his family pendant, akin to her own, fall onto his chest.

    She turned back as Nyx was shaking his wings out. He rolled his head, popping his neck. "All right, Essie. Do your worst."

    Estelle let a cruel practiced grin slide across her lips. Her golden amber eyes glittered intently. Nyx's own blue eyes reflected her anticipation. "No magic," Estelle said.

    "No shadows," came the reply.

    Estelle circled Nyx, seeking out the best method of attack. She was increasingly aware of Jorah and Devlon's presence close by. Perhaps if she did well today, it would be enough to convince Devlon to let her participate in the Illyrian Blood Rite this year.

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