Dream hung his head, eyes staring daggers at his feet. He was so ashamed in himself that he didn't even know how to react. George would have been perfectly fine and healthy if only Dream was there.

Of course George wouldn't have been taking care of himself properly - George has always been the type of person to forget about daily routine and self care, so there's no doubt that the added stress (along with being sick) has only worsened his immune system to this stupid fever. The simple fact that Dream has to remind him to take care of himself, even on days where he's not sick, should've been an immediate red flag for George when he first got the text about him being sick.

"I must ask - has he been alone for these past few months?" The doctor enquired, genuinely confused as to how this malnourishment had been going on for such a long time. It was almost unheard of in healthy households (or dormitories, if they were being more specific).

Niki chewed the inside of her cheek, taking in all the information little by little, deciding that she would have to be the person that mediates the mood in the room. She was about to answer with a simple response to the workers question when a certain boy decided it was fit to have a heartfelt confession instead.

"It's my fault, Ma'am. I was meant to be looking after him but was so stupid and decided it was more important to be with somebody else at that time. I take full responsibility for his condition right now - it's all my fault, not his!"

There was a small break in the conversation, Dream on the verge of tears whilst Niki and the doctor exchanged looks; ones that were highly confused. Neither of them had expected such a sudden outburst from him, and now they both stood in a mutually awkward silence.

The doctor puffed out a strained breath of air, shaking her head as she lifted her clipboard to take note of something. "Well, what a boyfriend you are..." was all she mumbled, forcing a giggle out of Niki (which she really didn't want to let out due to the serious situation at hand).

Dream furrowed his brows, shaking his own head to gather his thoughts again: "Never mind- is George going to be okay?" He asked, refraining from taking a step forward - just so he didn't come across as too eager to know when his best friend was going to be out.

That's when the doctor frowned, a pitiful look ghosting over her face. She pulled at a piece of her purple hair, most likely a nervous habit she had picked up in the workplace.

"His condition isn't looking too good, as I say. His spring fever has managed to evolve into something much worse: I'm sure you're familiar with pneumonia?"

Niki gasped, clasping her hands over her mouth. She knew all too well what they were about to hear next. Meanwhile, Dream was confused. "He can get better from that, can't he?"

The doctors lips formed a straight line. "The infection is quite severe, and George's body is so weak at the moment that the head nurse described it as 'comparable to an elderly person'. Worst case scenario... this kind of illness can be fatal for him."

Dream shook. This couldn't be true.

"There's no way! Is there any way he could possibly survive? He can't die now, he's too young!" Dream pleaded as though the person in front of him could do something - pull out a wand that would magically make everything return to the way things were before. Before he met Fundy.

"I'm surprised that he has not contracted Tuberculosis already - we're luck that we got him here in time as pneumonia is significantly easier to treat." Dream just wanted to fall to the ground in that moment, legs shaking under his weight and trying their best to keep his body upright. If he had been even a day later, George would've had an even lesser chance of surviving. Niki had placed a hand on his back, hoping to comfort him in the same way she comforted George all those nights ago, yet it didn't seem to help the blonde in the slightest. Small, clear tears ran down the freckles on his usually cheerful face, comparable to the raindrops that slid down the glass window just behind him.

"His lungs are gravely inflamed - we have him on our best ventilators and are currently trying our best to supply him with all the vitamins he is lacking. It is very rare that a person of his age will pass due to pneumonia under our hospital roof," The doctor tried to reassure whilst also trying to make sure she didn't give Dream false hope. "If his immune system manages to repair itself quickly, I can see a slightly larger chance of him surviving."

She didn't get a reply, simply a nod from the boy as he slowly backed up into the seats behind him, finally allowing his legs to give out from under his weight. The purple-haired girl felt awful for having to deliver such morbid information to such a young person, yet it was part of her job. She had no other choice.

She watched as the pink-haired girl across from her took a seat beside the boy, seemingly sad herself but in a much more composed way (compared to her friend who currently sobbed so loud yet so quiet at the same time). 

She didn't know why, but she wanted to make sure that George got out of this hospital as the boy he once was. Of course, she wished this for every patient she met, but the situation she was observing at this moment just hurt her a little more than usual.

It reminded her of the first time she dealt with the death of a patient, and it hurt.

"If you have any troubles or concerns - regarding anything - call for Dr Minx of the 16th Ward. I'll try my best to help in any way that I can."


I'm sorry for these chapters. It's gonna be an emotional ride for a little bit before we get to the fluff.

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