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Wind stirred throughout the playground, blowing through the hair and clothes of running children as they played in the sun. The scent of freshly cut grass and dandelion weeds wavered around them, a warm smell which reminded the kids that it was summer-break soon. Feet pelted against the grass and pavement, various games of hide and seek or tag taking place. Their laughter reverberated over the concrete and rattled in George's ears, making him wince.

He was quite the introvert, and it tended to concern many adults as they would assume that an 8 year old would be more social. They would expect him to play with the other children, make friends and play imaginary games with one another. His own parents were sometimes concerned with how much he kept to himself, usually urging him to go out more and informing teachers to do the same. However, he always preferred to keep to himself, nose in his books and tucked safely on the only bench outside, away from everyone.

Everyone except his best friend. His only friend.

"Georgie!" The blonde would yell from the door into the school, the only voice that George would look up to with a grin. "You still reading that book?" He would ask, sprinting over to the brunette to take his usual seat beside him, ever-curious eyes fluttering everywhere over the brunette.

George would huff, rolling his eyes. "It's a different one, actually, Dream! It's about a family going on a bear hunt." He explained, heterochromatic eyes darting between the books pages and the freckled, bruised face of his boisterous friend. George took note of the newly placed plaster that sat across the bridge of the blondes nose, probably because it had been bust open just an hour before.

George didn't know why, but his best friend would always get into fights with the other kids, usually because Dream would overhear them picking on George and would want to defend him. George would always tell him not to, that he can handle the comments, but Dream would never listen.

"You don't deserve to hear that, though! Even if you can handle it!"

He would always say.

"Violence is never the answer."

George would always reply.

The blonde peered over George's shoulder, looking at the book in question before pointing at a picture of the bear on the right page, on its hind legs and growling. "We could look for a bear! I heard there's black ones in a forest not too far from here!" Dream suggested, making George close the book and tear it away from the blonde's eyesight, gulping.

Dream always wanted to go on adventures, ones that George was sure would get them hurt, or even worse.

"That's a terrible idea! We'd get eaten!" The brunette argued, earning a chuckle and a pat on the back by his best friend.

"Awh, Georgie! Don't be scared," he reassured, patting his friends back. "I'd protect you!" Dream promised, pointing proudly to himself with a thumb whilst pulling George close to his side with his left arm, which wrapped around the smaller boy in a warm embrace.

George went red, embarrassed by how brave his friend was compared to his anxious self.

No. George wasn't brave.

Not like the freckled, green eyed boy beside him.


Just a small backstory - next chapters will be longer.

I wanna credit @GhostlyYoda who inspired me to write this short backstory of their childhood - they're writing a fanfic on this too, so I'd highly recommend you check it out!

Happier and Prettier - a DNF storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora