{•}Chapter 3: The Shimura House Remains.{•}

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All Might's POV~

Me and Aizawa took his car down to The Shimura House location, he drove while I read through the file of Tenko.
I turn to Aizawa,"I saw right.","Huh?", "Shimura. According to the file, his father was the son of Nana Shimura.", he turned to me as we stopped at a light,"Wait, you're old trainer or The Previous Number 1 Hero before you and Endeavor?", I nod,"Yes. So, this makes this kid. . .? Her Grandson??", Aizawa shrugged as he began to drive again,"Possible.", I looked back at the file. . .


"Tenko Shimura, Father's name was Katora Shimura, Mother's name Nao Shimura and had an older daughter Hana Shimura.", we got out of the car, Aizawa and I walked around the Neighbourhood to the location of the house,"Any information about the Family Murder?", I checked that and sighed,"All we know is that many ashes were found, and since you can't identify people by ashes but found supporting evidence of the mother, father and daughter dying but no evidence of the youngest dying and eyewitnesses say they saw someone take the boy.", Aizawa frowned as we walked,"Who in their right mind would steal a child?", I shrug,"Not sure. They didn't see their faces or even try to stop them.", then we both stopped. . .

A house, or. . . Remains of what use to be a house stood before us, it was taped off but we had gotten a warrant to enter the area,"Alright. All Might here is the plan, we look around the ruins to find something that could tell us what happened and then we could try and question a few locals here.", I nod and we walked up to the house. . .


It was hard to find anything, but we did out best to move old furniture, rocks, tools and just find something about this family. I pulled out a picture of the family or, most of them.

 I pulled out a picture of the family or, most of them

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I smiled sadly,"They seemed happy.", Aizawa looked over,"They do. . . Where is the dad in the picture though?", I shrug and try to look for another picture,"I don't know. . . Maybe he wasn't around often?", he shrugged as we continued to dig around the remains.


We froze and turn around to see an Elderly Woman by the fence with another woman. . .


Aizawa's POV~

"Grandma!", we walk down to the fence,"I apologise, Eraserhead and All Might.", I held up my hand,"No, no, no. I apologise, but this area is currently being put under investigation.", the elderly lady looked at us,"You investigating that house?", All Might nods,"Yes, Madam.", she pointed her cane at the house, or the remains of it,"I always knew there was something funky 'bout that family. . .!", I raised an interest,"What do you mean? Was there something wrong with the family?", she nods, she then pointed around the Neighbourhood,"Every night and day, I would hear someone from that household either crying, screaming or arguing.", I frown,". . .", the young lady sighed,"Grandma talks a lot about the family, we should get going and again I'm sorry we troubled you.", with that they left us.
I looked at All Might and he looked just as concerned.

And Arging???
. . .

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