{•}Chapter 7: Another Meeting. {•}

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Aizawa's POV~

"So; What did we all find out?", Endeavor groaned, but Nezu spoke,"It appears that The Program that Touya was apart of no longer exists, we tired the number but apparently we had the wrong number.", Endeavor looked up, angry of course,"But it was the number! I swear I could hear whispering on the other end before they said I had the wrong number!", Nezu sighed,"But, we do know that The Program was lead anonymously. No one seemed to know the operator.", Endeavor sighed and pointed to me,"What about you? Anything on this kid?", I nod, All Might went first,"Well, we got a picture of some of the family members, but according to an elderly woman who was passing by, she said she use to hear screaming, shouting and maybe crying from the house.", Hawks frowned,"Potential Abuse? Family Issues??", I nod,"Maybe, but we could ask the woman again if she ever heard anything was the root of the Potential family problem.", Mirko nods,"Hopefully it's nothing too bad.", Best Jeanist then held up a VHS,"As for the Keigo boy, we found CCTV footage but the quality isn't good, and it's in black and white, but it seemed the boy was aducted.", Endeavor turned to him,"Aducted?!", Mirko nods,"Yeah, some man in a black suit came up behind the kid and just, took him away. And some woman was handed a bunch of money.", Nezu huffed under breath,"Disgusting.", Best Jeanist nods,"We know. We doubt we could fix or clear up the footage but we could try and find the woman as she seems to be more clear than anything in it.", Endeavor nods,"Sounds like a plan. And, what about the oprhan girl?", Midnight held up a picture of a girl,"Apparently, her family left her there, kids made fun of her because of her quirk and she was koted to be aggressive towards them for it, but also ran away with her files.", All Might stared at them,"How does a child manage that?", "Maybe she was smarter All Might.", Hawks sighed,"Maybe we can look around the Orphanage area, see if maybe she went somewhere??", Endeavor nods,"Yes. We should also track that women in CCTV, talk to the woman about the Family and find out about this blasted Program.", Mirko sighed,"We should continue in the morning, it's getting late.", I nod,"Sounds Good.", we all gathered up our files and put them in a safe, just in case someone tried to do anything to the evidence or tried to steal shit.


Shoto's POV~

I rang up Hawks's phone,"Hawks?", "Shoto?. . ."  I immediately could hear it in his voice he had been asleep,"Did you fall asleep at your desk again?", I could hear him groan,"No, no. . . I'm awake, what's up?", I sighed, the guy needs to learn he has a bed at his home, unless he just lives in his agency,"Sorry to call you like this, but my mother's getting out of the mental hospital soon and I offered to take her to a small place Fuyumi bought out for her, a bungalow, but Fuyumi and Natsuo's schedule got overloaded and I was wondering if you knew how to get there??", I listened to the other end.

. . .

"Yeah, I know how to get to where you are talking about, not a problem Shoto.", I sighed with relief,"Thank you, I hope you aren't busy tomorrow if so I am sorry.", "No, no. You're fine. I'll be with you at 7am, is that alright?", "Thanks Hawks, and make sure you actually sleep in a bed.", he laughed on the other hand and we both hung up.

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