The Dance of Love

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We slowly drift away from each other, only to return to each other's embrace as the music continues to play our favorite song. My long flowing gown whirls around me, making me feel as if I could fly away on the wings of music at any moment.

My darling seems to be in the same trance as myself as we flawlessly perform all the familiar steps in perfect sync. We haven't been in such harmony for years, and I wish our love life could flow as seamlessly as the dance does.

"You look beautiful," he whispers in my ear as he pulls me closer, only to spin me away mere seconds later.

"Thank you, you aren't bad yourself," I say, taking in his perfect costume and how well he fills it out.

I am aware that we must be an enchanting sight to behold as we twirl around the dance floor. Sebastian, in his perfect sparkling costume, and me in this magical blue ballgown with all of its small decorations and bows. I wish that the impeccable image the others must have of us is the truth of the matter. However, our everyday lives are anything but perfect.

Even his flattering words come as a surprise, fueling the excitement caused by the dance as it has been such a long time since I heard him say such sweet words to me.

Maybe we got used to being with each other and forgot how to appreciate each and every second we spend together. Whether it was dancing or talking, or even just sitting quietly next to each other. I guess that's what happens after being married for twenty years and having two children to take care of.

"We should do this more often," he whispers seductively as our bodies brush against each other in another impeccably executed move.

"We definitely should," I say, drinking up all his attention hungrily.

"I am sorry," he says, dipping me gently.

"What for?" I ask as he lifts me up slowly over his head.

"For not saying you how beautiful and amazing you are every day of our lives," he says as he puts me down.

Then he spins me around expertly a few seconds later.

"You are forgiven under one condition," I say.

"And what is that?" he asks as we split apart and come together again, never missing a step even through our conversation.

"That we will try to dedicate more time to each other, just the two of us," I say, looking deep into the chocolate brown eyes of the man I love.

"That I can promise," he says, circling like a butterfly around a flower as I open my flower petals to receive his embrace. "We'll get Marc and Jessica to babysit every Friday night. What do you say?"

"That sounds great," I say, smiling brightly at my handsome husband. "Although I think that Josh and Christine won't appreciate being babysat. They both think that they are old enough to stay home alone."

"I am sure I can convince them to change their minds," Sebastian says, performing a complicated four-step with as much ease as he did when we were young and did this for a living. "Josh hasn't stopped talking about that new video game, and Christine would do anything to go to that K-pop concert she's been talking about non-stop."

"Why Mr. Robinson, are you suggesting we bribe our children?" I say as I tip-toe around him, flaunting my dress like a peacock.

"Yes, Mrs. Robinson, that's precisely what I am suggesting," he says, with merriment in his voice.

I can't remember the last time we talked so flirtatiously to each other or the last time we enjoyed something by ourselves. Especially not something we loved as much as dancing.

Ever since I first got pregnant with Josh, which put an end to our professional dancing career, we haven't had the time or energy to just dance with each other. Until now, I had no idea how much I missed it.

It felt like once again, our souls were speaking to each other the language of love. Even when we don't say anything or talk about random things such as bribing our children. The feeling is exhilarating. It makes me feel giddy with excitement.

If we weren't surrounded by people, I am sure I would have ended up doing something rather inappropriate. Because I can feel us getting back to ourselves. I can sense us diving back into the sea of love we once shared, and it feels better than I thought possible.

"That sounds good to me," I tell Sebastian.

Our children are well-behaved enough so that we can afford to bribe them for some alone time. After all, just because we have children and care about them more than life itself, it doesn't mean that we should neglect ourselves and our love.

"Dancing with you feels like flying," I say a few moments later.

"That's because we are flying on the wings of love," he says as we pick up the pace, breathless but beaming with happiness.

"You are so cheesy," I say as he spins me in dizzying circles that most people our age wouldn't be able to perform.

However, Sebastian and Colet aren't most people, and we manage it wonderfully. The only difference I notice is that I am a bit more breathless than I used to be when performing this particular move. Still, it feels good to know that we can still pull it off.

What doesn't hurt either is that we have proved to our children that we still 'got what it took'. Furthermore, somehow in the process, we have reignited the passion that our relationship had lacked for a few years now. We still loved each other, but we have lacked that special spark that we used to have.

Now that it's back, I can see that we need to do everything in our power to keep it going as it puts color in our cheeks and spring in our steps.

"I am glad the children dared us to do this competition," I say as our dance comes to an end.

"Me too. Who would have guessed it was exactly what we needed?" Sebastian says as he dips me one final time and kisses me passionately.

The intensity of the kiss reminds me of our first kiss, of the times when the heat of our passion could have burned down cities. I return the kiss just as passionately.

Too soon, we have to break apart as we realize that we are not alone. However, I can see in Sebastian's eyes a promise of a continuation, of a new beginning.

Sometime later, as we sit together in the familiar jittery anticipation, we can hear the announcement.

"And the winners of the third senior freestyle ball dancing are Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. Congratulations on the amazing performance," the announcer says.

Before we can even realize that, once again, we have won, we are embraced by our children. They seem more than impressed by our win. That's what they get for doubting us!

We are, after all, the best dancers our city has ever seen, and it's interesting to perceive how our children's perspective of us seems to shift. They see us quite differently now, and I am glad we got to share that part of who we are with them.

"Did you have to kiss at the end?" Josh can't help but add disgustedly.

"We sure did," Sebastian answers, slapping him lovingly on the back.

"Well, I think it was very romantic. Everything looked so perfect, so magical," Christine says excitedly. "I wish I can find someone who will love me as much as you two love each other."

"I wish for that, too," I say, looking at Sebastian.

I am overflowing with all love and passion that lay dormant in my heart for the last couple of years.

He winks at me knowingly, and I know that everything will be okay. More than okay, as we finally learned that no matter how much one loves and cares for their children, they should never forget to cherish each other as well. Because our love deserves that, we deserve this.

Life is about to start anew for us, and I am looking forward to this new adventure.

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